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Rob p.o.v

so im sitting chilling with the same ole same ole but im waithing for trinity to call me so she can st-


??:hey rob its trin I need somewhere to stay tonight can ken and I stay with you?

R:ohh hey.. and yea you sure can your welcomed here anytime

T:ok im on my way (sniffs)

R:oka- are you okay?

T:(hangs up)

Kings p.o.v

im going out to the trap

Trin p.o.v

I got out the car and grabbed my baby and her stuff then locked up the car and knocked on Robs door and the door opened to a sexy ass rob with only basketball shorts on mhmmm his cute ass

Rob p.o.v

as soon as I opened the door she started crying and I seen what king did to her I got pissed

rob:baby who did this to you?

trin:king hh he beat me I just need somewhere to go so he cant find me but not here.

rob:you want me to get you a room or something?

trin:yess Robert but I will pay you back as soon as I get my things from kings house

rob:nahh nahh trin you my future girl so you aint gotta pay for anything I got everything for you.

trin:no rob no I cant let you

rob:im not taking no for an answer go get in the car ima go put on a shirt, im staying the night with you

trin: rob I d-

rob:go get in the car

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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