Part 2 of ♡9♡

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|2 days later|

Trinity p.o.v

ok so ima go home and see how he is holding up or soon as I walk into the house, my house has been torn up.. television broke, broken glass, holes in the wall, ect... but I get ready to go upstairs and see king sitting on the stairs with a bottle of liquor and his eyes bloodshot red like he has been crying or no sleep

T:(sits the baby down) king?

K:baby where have you been (jumps up and hug her)

T:king calm down I only went and stayed in a hotel room. were okay

K:(walks over to Kennedy) hey mama

Kennedy smiles

K:baby she smiled at me

T:she has been doing that all yesterday but let me ask you something

K:go ahead ma

T:why did you call me call a bitch

K:tbh I really don't know I was high. but baby im really sorry

T:its okay but next time it happens we are leaving for good...

K:ok give me a kiss

T:after you take a shower

K:ok after I want us to go to lunch

T:no after we clean my house

K:mann ight

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