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Bombshell! Agony

With sparkling eyes 
Full of teared pearls 
She bent down her sight 
And asked - what's my fault? 
Was it to dream for the love 
She desperately deserve 
Or because she chose 
Someone by her own 
And didn't even got that person? 
The moon lit girl 
Or can be called a credulous soul 
That was overlapped 
By the guilty ones roar . 
She tried to hide 
And save her gullible life . 
At the end of the day 
She was done by them. 
They flew in like sharks 
And grabbed her apart . 
She lost her hopes , 
They pushed her to weep, 
To suffer in misery loves company 
Of thorns and agony. 
Bombshell! She was not anywhere left, 
Not even in her own self . 
Black blood full of blade and cuts, 
Could be seen in her. 
But still was entitled 
To be a defaulter . 
They rectified her and changed 
Her whole character 
Leaving nothing of her. 


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