This Is Just Pure Crack, I'm Not Sorry

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Midoriya: Hey Todoroki?
Todoroki: yeah, Midoriya?
Midoriya: if you put an ice cube in your mouth, will it melt or freeze?
Todoroki: *drags Midoriya to the kitchen* we're testing this out-


Midoriya: *Breathes*
Bakugou: *punches open the door* SHUT THE FUCK UP DEKU!!!


Mina: Can anyone put heels on for the entire day and not feel pain? I get blisters everytime I do it

Midoriya: I can try...

Hagakure: wait, really?

Jirou: Why does he even have heels in the first place?

Midoriya: oh, you would not want to know the stuff I have gone through

Jirou: you're right

24 hours later

7 AM (Saturday)

Midoriya: *walks out the elevators in red heels because his usual shoes are red* Hi guys

Mina: Are you serious?!

Midoriya: Yes

Mina: How can a guy that's all muscle wear and walk in heels better than us?!

Todoroki: He looks taller...

Bakugou: *glares at Deku since they're the same height now* Fuckin' Deku...

Girls: We have been defeated by a guy and we have zero shame about it

Midoriya: *sits down on the sofa and takes off the heel with no pain*

Uraraka: How...?

(The only reason I wrote this, is because I can see Deku killing fashion trends with either heels or heelys)


The floor is...

The floor is Endeavor

Everyone: *gets on top of anything and everything*

Midoriya, Bakugou, and Todoroki:  *attacc the floor*

The floor is Shoto's happiness

Endeavor: yeet

Midoriya: *lays down on the floor*

The floor is Midoriya

Everyone: *kisses/hugs the floor because who wouldn't want to protecc this bean*

Bakugou:... *half on the floor and half on a pillow*

LoV: *Attacc*

Toga: *fucks the floor* (i'm not sorry)

The floor is villain Izuku

Students of UA: He's hot but he's dangerous, so no

Bakugou: I'd rather fuck Deku than have his sorry ass as a villain. Dumbass is smart and has fucking analytic skills, we don't want to deal with the only person fucking capable of being the most fucking dangerous villain in our fucking class.

Pro-heroes and Tsukaochi: We don't want to deal with an evil genius.

LoV: We need a large tall glass of this rn

Izuku enters the class, only to find out they were all turned to children

Izuku: uh...

Mina: H-hewwo?

Izuku: already a meme by heart, this is too adorable

Bakugo: rawr! I am the gwate hewo!

Todoroki: No! I'm swupposed to be the gwate hewo!

Izuku: is this what heaven feels like?


Todoroki to Dabi: What do you have for drinks?

Dabi: A large glass of "stay the fuck away from me" is a special or do want the extra large cup of "fuck you, Endeawhore" instead?

Todoroki: I would like the "fuck you, Endeawhore" cup, thanks


Shigaraki: I could kill you if I wanted to.

Midoriya: Yeah? So could another human being. So could a dog. So could a very dedicated duck. You ain't special.

Yes, I know it's odd that I did this. Yes, I know it's shorter than usual. But honestly, I just wanted to update for ya'll bc I woke up at 2 and had spent time thinking...

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