008 ↠ Mr. Thor, sir

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"I'm starting to have second thoughts about this" Romeo admitted as he nervously looked around the elevator

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"I'm starting to have second thoughts about this" Romeo admitted as he nervously looked around the elevator.

"I never liked it from the beginning" Ophelia sighed and crossed her arms across her chest as she leaned against the wall.

"Too late to change your minds now" Agent Hill told the duo.

After Romeo and Ophelia got what they needed, they went downstairs to join agent Hill and Nick Fury. But as they walked across the lobby and looked through the glass doors, they didn't see the man, they only saw Hill standing by a black car.

Fury had to leave, so Romeo and Ophelia were left with Hill, which didn't bother them because they like her better than Fury. On the way to the Avengers Tower, they were briefed on the situation, but they still couldn't believe that Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, created a murder bot.

Now the trio are in an elevator in Avengers Tower, on their way up to meet the famous team.

"What are they like?" Romeo asked Hill. The elevator came to a stop and the doors slid open.

"You'll see" she told him before walking out the elevator. They followed after her and were greeted by a mess.

Glass scattered all over the floor, tables, and furniture broken in half, holes and gunshots on the walls.

"Must've been some party" Romeo muttered, his brown eyes scanning the room.

"Actually, it was fun" Hill admitted "until Ultron attacked"

"You mean the fire nation attacked?" Romeo grinned.

Hill furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and glanced over at Ophelia. The young woman took in a deep breath and shrugged.

"You get used to him after a while" she said "but seriously, you've never seen Avatar? I used to watch it when I was a kid"

"Okay!" Hill sighed and turned on her heels and continued walking.

Romeo and Ophelia followed her up some stairs. They didn't have enough time to look around from upstairs because they heard voices and the closer they got, the louder it was.

"Alright, listen up!" Maria Hill said loud and clear. The talking people stopped and turned to face Hill. They also spotted the two people behind her.

"Woah, Hill, you didn't say you have a son" Tony Stark said when he spotted babyface Romeo.

Romeo gave a sharp inhale and frowned. Ophelia brought a hand up her mouth to hide her smile.

"How old is he, thirteen?" Tony asked.

Romeo's frown deepened while Ophelia looked down and tried not to laugh.

"I don't have any children, Stark" Hill said in irritation "this is Ophelia Verona" she motioned to the girl who is still looking down "the storybook girl"

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