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Ophelia Verona is tired

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Ophelia Verona is tired. She's been out all day with the Avengers showing them around and taking them to some hidden spots where tourists don't usually go. She took them to her favorite gelato place and Clint was extremely happy. A lot of pictures were taken, memories were formed, and they all laughed their asses off when Vision was startled by a cat and fell flat on his ass on the sidewalk.

Everyone is back in 'house of Viari' as Cass called it, and relaxing from their day, maybe still fighting off a little jet lag. Ophelia slowly climbed the stairs to the second floor of the house, she felt a sudden rush of wind on her right side and when she reached the top of the stairs her eyes landed on Pietro who's smiling and waiting for her.

"Hello" he smiled.

"Uh, hi" she replied without emotion and walked right past him and turned left down the hall. Pietro was by her side in a blink and walked with her. "Why are you following me?"

"I'm not following you. I'm going to my room. It's next to yours, remember?" He smirked.

Ophelia muttered something in Italian. "Don't take this as an invitation to talk to me"

"Oh, so I can sing to you then?"

"Don't sing to me" she shook her head.

Pietro huffed and walked in silence. He looked around the hallway, large paintings to his left and windows on his right, some statues sporadically along the wall. Some windows are larger than others and have seats on the wall for reading by the window. The sun is low so everything in the hall is under an orange light. This is so, so, so dramatically different than Pietro's upbringing. Romeo was right, her house is a castle without towers.

"Did you really grow up here? In this house?" Pietro curiously asked.

"Yes" Ophelia nodded. She looked around the hallway and exhaled. "God, it was boring here"

"Boring?" Pietro asked incredulously. "Your house is amazing!"

"If you say so" she shrugged.

"I know so. I'm going to show you how not boring your house is by giving you a tour" Pietro smiled.

Ophelia stopped in her tracks and stared at Pietro, eyebrows raised in question. "You're going to give me a tour of my house" she repeated.

"Yes" he nodded.

"A tour of my home. You. A newcomer with no idea of the history of the house or what rooms are what?" She inquired with a smirk. Pietro nodded again.

"From this moment on, I'll be the tour guide and you the tourist. And everything I say is absolutely 100% true." Pietro bounced on the heels of his feet.

Ophelia believes this is some kind of ruse so he can talk to her and annoy her with the great possibility of him flirting with her. He's been trying to do just that since they were at the tower and Vision came to life, but she immediately shut him down and is still doing it. Ophelia weighed these possibilities in her head but she really wants to see how Pietro will pull this off.

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