010 ↠ Mr. Roboto

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Ophelia's friend pulled through and sent her Ulysses Klaue's location

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Ophelia's friend pulled through and sent her Ulysses Klaue's location. Once she had that, she gave it to the others and before she knew it, they were in a quinjet on their way to a salvage yard off the African Coast.

The flight there was filled with questions about Romeo and Ophelia knowing the man. They asked and asked but they gave vague answers. How they know the arms dealer guy is their business, and their business only.

The young brunette wasn't sure how to feel about actually going in with the rest of the team. She said she wasn't going to take any kind of action, she was only there to help Romeo, but now that she knows Ulysses Klaue is involved, she needs to get in there.

So after the whole team (with the exception of Bruce) got on the ship where Klaue, Ultron and the Maximoff's are located, they took different paths in the ship to reach the people they're looking.

"This ship is hot and stuffy" Ophelia fanned a hand over her face.

"It's humid" Romeo added as he took a corner on the bridge and walked ahead of Ophelia. They could hear Tony's muttering through the comms they were equipped with.

Soon the duo heard voices and quietly quickened their pace. They got as close as they could without being seemed, and Romeo took a peek around a wall, while Ophelia got on the ground so she can also take a look.

They saw their old buddy, Ulysses Klaue, Ultron has a hold on the man's left arm, and three people in the background.

"Those are the Maximoff's" Romeo whispered.

"You guys are there? Don't do anything, wait for us!" Tony told them.

Ultron took a sudden slash at Klaue's arm and it fell with a sickening thump, to the ground.

"Ewie" Ophelia scrunched her nose in disgust "I'm going in" she pushed herself up and brushed her hands on her thighs.

"Stay back!" Natasha hissed through the comms.

"Mi dispiace, non parlo inglese" Ophelia muttered before adjusting her small backpack and walking out.

"She's going to get herself killed" Steve muttered.

"I already have an eulogy prepared" Romeo answered.

"I don't know anything about the medical field, but if you put that arm in ice, the doctors can reattach it or something" Ophelia spoke up as she stood at the end of the bridge.

Heads turned her direction but she didn't pay any attention to the ones she doesn't know. She kept her gaze on Klaue.

"This is a private meeting" Ultron told Ophelia but she ignored him.

"You might want to wrap that up" she pointed at her left arm when she spoke to Klaue "stop the bleeding, prevent infection"

"What are you doing here?" He asked the young woman.

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