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"Ayame!" A woman stepped out of her home to shout once more. "Ayame, breakfast is ready!" She was met with no response.

"What's wrong, Kailee?" A muscular, brunette, male came to her and set the fish down.

Kailee gave a worried expression. "Lee, have you seen Ayame? I kept calling her name, but she hasn't responded."

"Let's go," he took her hand and together they searched.


"We saw you!" A Fire nation soldier pointed his weapon at Ayame. "You were airbending ya brat!"

"I was not!" Ayame retorted. She didn't think she'd see other people near the mountain. She felt fear course through her veins. Their uniforms are identical to those people that burned her two years ago. Everyone with those uniforms is bad. She knows to stay away. 'I shouldn't have left this morning. I should have helped mommy while dad was out.'

"We can't risk there being any Airbenders." The three men before her took their stances; ready to attack the defenseless child.

A wall of earth suddenly came between them and Ayame. She was happy to see that her father and mother came to the rescue.

"Ayame, get over here!" Her father earthbended a wall between them before fleeing.


"Pack what you can." Lee laid some bags on the counter. "It's not safe here. We need to leave."

"Okay," Ayame grabbed two medium-sized bags and ran to her room.

"I think it's time we find a different way to keep her safe." Kailee spread out a map on the table. "Kyoshi Island is around here. It would be best to take her there. They can train her to protect herself." Lee sighed tiredly. "Look, I don't like the idea of leaving her either, but at least she'll be alive. We can't run forever. We can't hide her forever."

Lee thought for a moment. He stared at the map. "Fine. We'll rent a boat and leave first thing in the morning."

Kailee let some tears slip. "Thank you. It's for the best of her wellbeing."


My father rented a boat and we set out to sea. It took us a few days, but we finally found Kyoshi Island.

On arrival, we were greeted by the chief. "Welcome to our Island. I've read about your troubles in the letter you sent. I am very sorry. She will be in great hands here."

My mother shook hands with him. "Thank you very much. I'm sorry if we've troubled you."

"It's no trouble at all." His voice held a gentle wave.

My green eyes warily took in our surroundings. I looked up at my mother. Her bright smile reached her grey eyes as she stared at me.

"Mommy, what is this place? Who are they?" I gestured toward the group of women making their way to us.

She crouched down in front of me and cupped my cheeks in her hands. "They are the Kyoshi warriors. We are on Kyoshi Island; a land with citizens that learned battle strategies from their ancestors who learned from Avatar Kyoshi herself in the past."

"Why are we here?" I questioned.

"Mommy has to leave you here." She coughed. She lightly touched my back where an enormous scar lays under my clothes. "The brave warriors of Kyoshi Island will teach you to fight. I know it's against our teachings, but it's the only way. I can't teach you what they can. I can't protect you like they can." She stood with flowing tears and faced the women dressed in green. "This is Ayame. She needs to stay safe and hidden from others. She's not the Avatar, but she is an Airbender. The Fire nation saw her airbending once. As a result, they burned and scarred her entire back." I watched as my mother kneeled before them. "Please, take great care of her." She hugged me tightly and handed me my bags. "Grow up to be a good person. I love you, I love you, I love you..." She repeated this over and over as she ran to the boat. "Mommy and daddy love you! Never forget that!"

I stood there crying until she was gone. "I promise I'll be good! I love you, mommy!! I love you, daddy!!" I faced the warriors. "I promise to do my best."

"Hey! My name is Suki." A young girl ran out from behind them. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the others. "Don't worry. You'll be safe here."

"I'm Ayame." I smiled through my tears. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Suki."

"Come on. I want you to meet my friends. They can be your friends too." Suki carried one of my bags and showed me where I'd be living before taking me to see some of her friends.

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