Chapter 6-More Promises

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Teo looked Shea on the eye and then looked down and continued. "Ok well I have another sibling I didn't tell you about" he looked at her and Shea was worried now. she should've said anything? or should she have? he continued "I had an older sister. named Indiana. and well, she was bullied too. she thought that when she entered high school it would stop. but it didn't. it got worse." he looked a way and then looked down " I tried to help her. I tried to tell her to ignore them but she said it was impossible. I've told her to be nice to people then maybe they'd stop. she told me she was always nice to them. and I knew it. I tried to tell her to switch schools but the school she was going to was very advanced and she got straight As and she had a very good shot at a lot of colleges. " Shea noticed that this was very sensitive to him "so um what happened?" she asked quietly. he started tearing up "it was September of 2010. she just started sophomore year and I was home alone with her. Our parents we're put working late. She kept on telling me how much she loved me and I did the same. I told her I was going to bed but I was on my phone. It was about 10:00 P.M. heard her yell and I heard something heavy drop. she never yelled. she was quite so I knew something was wrong" tears ran down his face " I ran downstairs yelling 'INDIANA, INDIANA ARE YOU OK?' and I found her in the kitchen. lying on the floor. dead. with a knife sticking out of her chest. she wasn't bleeding much. and she was smiling. barley smiling. there was relief in her face. It's an image I'll never forget. I fell in front of her body and burst out crying. after doing that for 5 minutes I called my parents. they told me to call the ambulance. so i did." He started crying 10x harder. Shea was speechless . she reached across the table and held his hand "I'm sorry" she whispered. he looked up and whipped his tears away. "and that night I promised myself I would never ever in my life bully anyone. I promised to stick up for anyone who was bullied. stranger or friend. boy or girl. older or younger. I doesn't matter. anyone." At that moment Shea knew that he wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. and that was one more thing Teo promised himself.

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