Of Overheard Conversations

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Your POV
"Y/N!" Loki screamed, "Why the Hel would you hide my book?!" Running into the common room with a smirk on your face, you can't help but laugh.
"Because, you ate my leftovers."
"That wasn't intentional," he begins, but you interrupt him.
"Well you still needed to pay for it, intentional or not."
"Well where is it?!" he cried out in frustration. You were his best friend in the tower, considering you were practically his only friend there. The others still didn't trust him, and couldn't understand why you did. But in moments like this, when you saw that mischievous, slightly irked glint in his eye, you couldn't help it. You knew you could trust him, even if the others thought otherwise.
"You'll find out... eventually" you say with a wink.
"Damn it Y/N!" he says, laughing slightly as he turns to go hunt for his novel.

Fast forward two days, you and Natasha are sitting in your room painting your nails. She turns to you and asks "So, tell me... you and Reindeer Games, just friends or more?"
"Oh, um," you blush "we're just friends ya know?"
"I see the way you look at him, Y/N. I know how to get information out of someone, and i can tell. You are absolutely smitten."
"Hey, i wouldnt say that..." you begin. She glares at you. "Alright fine- i think i may be in love with him. He's sweet and charming and hilarious. When the sun hits his eyes the sparkle like emeralds. He tries to be a good person... er, Asgardian. He really does. He's just... perfect. But he's never going to see me as more than just some dumb mortal friend."
Natasha ca barley stifle her laughter. "You really are in love him, wow. You need to tell him!"
"So he can what, laugh in my face? No thanks, I think i'll pass."
"Okay, but you'd better get over these feelings then. I don't want to deal with any angsty unrequited love drama."
"There won't be any, so don't worry." you reply. She gives you the side-eye but laughs.
"Just so you know, I think he likes you too." You blush but don't respond.

Loki's POV
Sitting outside Y/N's room with a mask was more boring than I dreamed it would be. I was waiting for her to leave the room so I could scare her. Nothing horrible, just as revenge for her stealing my book. As I was waiting, I picked up fragments of conversation. She must have been talking to the Romanov girl.
"I think I may be in love with him." Who was she talking about? Not that I cared however, it's just.... I cared. Finding out she was in love with someone made my fists clench on their own accord. I felt something twist in my gut, but i couldn't quite pinpoint the feeling right away. Then it hit me, I was jealous. Why the Hel should I be jealous? It's not like... oh shit. I was in love with her. Her sparking E/C eyes, her shimmering personality. When she spoke. everything she said sounded like poetry. She was Y/N and I loved her, but she loved someone else. I walked away from the door, jealousy coursing through my mind, and heartbreak coursing through my soul.

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