Things Arent As They Seem

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Loki's POV
I remember hearing the ship had been knocked out of the sky. I remember the instructions to fly a new ship out. I remember landing in the battle-torn city. Then I remember seeing her fall to the ground, motionless. I ran forward, a silent scream erupting from my lips. S.H.I.E.L.D agents rush forward, moving her onto a stretcher. I try and stay with her but got pushed away. They carried her onto the jet and I raced back on. Eventually we were able to leave and go back to the tower. I whispered a silent prayer that she would be alright. I don't know who I was praying to, because who will answer when you're a god yourself.
When the jet took off, I put it on autopilot and immediately ran to the back, where she was laying on the stretcher. I looked at her, shallowly breathing, but still yet breathing. I brushed her hair away from her face and saw the dried blood near a gunshot wound. Why was no one tending to her?
"Banner! You are a doctor, are you not?" I yell to him.
"Um, well yes." He replies.
"Then heal her! Now!" I scream in response. His eyes look sad.
"I can't. Not until we land, or else he chances of survival plummet." He says quietly.
"And what are her current chances?" I implore him.
"95 to 1. The way the bullet lodged itself, it's unlikes she can survive this." I have to grab onto the stretcher frame to steady myself. No, no this can't be happening. It's all a dream, it must be. Just earlier we were in the training room and now she was on the stretcher, and her chances of survival were crumbling. And I never even told her that I loved her.
Natasha walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I know how you feel, but you have to stay strong."
"Stay strong? Stay STRONG?!" I scream "How the Hel can I stay calm when the woman I love is laying on a stretcher with such a little chance of survival?!" It's not until her eyes go wide that I realize what I've said. "I didn't mean it in that way..." I try and smooth over what I just said, but I can tell she can't believe me.

"Save it Silvertongue. You're not as great as hiding your emotions as you think."

"But it's no use anyways, even if I told her how I felt, she's in love with another. I heard her talking to you last night."

Natasha tries to stifle a laugh. "You heard- I think she should tell you this herself. But for now we need to get back to the tower so she can."
I walk back to the control panel and switch the jet into overdrive. We arrive to the tower and find a medic team meeting us there.

"She's going to be alright, we've got this under control. Everyone just please stay out of the hospital ward until we give the okay." one of the medics states.

"Are you out of your mind?!" I practically shout. "If you think for one second that I will sit here and wait you have-"

"Brother, it's alright just let them do their job, they're professionals." Thor says. "Lady Y/N is in good hands." I roll my eyes but begrudgingly go back to the tower. I sit in my room, picking away at a lose green strand on my bedspread. Waiting for what seems like hours, I eventually decide to sneak into the medical wing.

I walk down the narrow corridor, the LED lights buzzing slightly. I could smell the antiseptic that was common in Midgardian hospitals. That's when I heard it, a scream piercing through the air. I followed the sound, the walls blurring past  me as I ran. Reaching Y/N's room I saw her lying awake in bed, trying to contain another scream as an electric shock went through her. Gathered around her were Hydra agents.
"Stop!" I cried out. I pulled out a sword and charged forward, impaling one of the agents. One came up behind me, thinking himself to be sneaky. Whirling around I gave him a swift kick to the chest. When he fell to the floor with a thump I made a quick jab with my sword and disabled him.  Conjuring a spool of rope, I tied up the last one so he could be questioned. Quickly I rushed to Y/N's side, and I saw what they had done to her. She was knocked unconscious from the last jolt of electricity. They had been trying to tear her limits, see how much she could take. I nearly cried when I saw how much pain she had endured. My idiotic brother never should have been listened to. At least she was alive. But I should have been there, I should have done something.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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