The One Where Things Get Action-y

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Loki's POV
I awoke in my bed the next day, hoping it was all a terrible nightmare. As I smoothed out the green bedding, the previous night came flooding back in waves. I remembered hearing Y/N say she was in love. Pulling on my boots, I headed to the common area for breakfast, hoping she wouldn't be there. Luckily for me, she wasn't. Apparently she decided to go out early this morning for pancakes. Natasha was there. and when I walked into the kitchen she smirked a bit. Although maybe, I thought to myself, I was just imagining it.

Later that day, I made my way to the training room, planning practice with my sword. Hopefully I could get my mind of off Y/N, even for a little while. That's when I heard the door open, and her laugh float through the room. It sounded like tinkling bells and I felt a fluttering in my heart. My grip tightened on the hilt, causing my knuckles to turn white.
"Keep it together Loki," I told myself "she's in love with someone else. You can't change that."

"Hey Loki!" she called out. "Would you mind if I join you?" I turned to see Y/N and Natasha walking towards me.

"Of course not!" I replay with a plastered on smile, handing her a sword.

"I'm gonna sit this one out." the Black Widow said. "Leave it to the two of you." she glanced at Y/N before going to sit on a bench. Y/N blushed slightly, but I brushed it off as nothing more than the heat of the room.

She picked up a sword a walked over to a practice dummy, swiping its head off in a single fluid motion. Her hair billowed behind her, like a breeze had blown through it. Using her telekinetic powers, she lifted the dummy's head back on its shoulders, and it was like new again.

Turning to me she said "Loki, um, there's something I've wanted to tell you. I've wanted to say this for a while now but-" That's when the mission bell rang. The screen on the wall next to us flashed with the details and who was going. She was, I wasn't. A bomb had been planted in a building, and there was a hostage situation there too. She could hold her own, I knew that. But still, as she headed onto the jet I couldn't help the feeling that something was going to go wrong. It wasn't until almost an hour after she left I remembered that she was going to tell me something.

Your POV
We were on the jet when Nat turned to me. "You were gonna tell Reindeer Games how you felt." I looked at the floor. It was true, in the moment, standing next to him, I couldn't help it. It's a good thing the mission was called, or else I would have told him and ruined everything. "I saw the way he looked at you. Y/N."

"What about it?" I tried to keep the hope out of my voice, but was utterly failing.

"He looked at you like you were the only person on Earth. I've never seen him look at anyone like that, ever. I think he loves you too."

I couldn't completely believe her. The part of that was the hopeless romantic was longing for it to be true. On the other hand the rational part of me knew he would never look at me that way. I was about to respond when the first bomb exploded.

We were knocked out of the sky. The jet crashed onto the ground in flames. I got out just as it exploded, shrapnel flying everywhere. I felt a piece lodge in my side, but I couldn't worry about it. I had to get the hostages out. Running into the building, I heard explosions and gunfire going off around me. Finally, I reached the room. Looking into the eyes of one of men with a gun, I recognized him. He was the one who held captive at a hydra camp. These weren't any terrorists, and this wasn't any mission.

He opened gunfire on me, but I defended myself from all the bullets with my telekinesis. I charged forward, and punched him between the eyes. Kicking the gun out of his hands, he grabbed my leg and threw me to the ground. I vaguely remember hearing frightened shrieks in the background. Mentally picturing the gun flying forward and smashing against his head repeatedly, the real gun did just so. Effectively knocking him out, I managed to get the hostages out of the building. My head was starting to get dizzy. I reached up to my forehead and felt sticky, red blood pooling at my hairline. Upon further inspection, I found a gunshot wound there. As the backup jet landed, I felt my legs give out under me. My vision got fuzzy and faded to black. The last thing I heard was my body landing on the ground with a sickening thud.

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