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3 years later

annie's pov-
it's been 3 years since hayden left me with my children. we fought a lot. i thought we were strong.

-flashback, 3 years earlier-

hayden's pov-
i'm tired of annie and my children. i don't love annie anymore. of course i love my kids, but i need to leave. i cant be with somebody i don't love.

while annie was at work,  i wrote a note

"dear annie, i'm sorry. but it's time for me to go. i don't love you anymore. tell the kids i love them. goodbye julianna."

it hurts to say goodbye, but, it will be a better life for me and her.

i packed my bags and went to oklahoma.
goodbye LA.

-end of flashback, 3 years later-

annie's pov-
i still can't get over it. he left. he doesn't love me.

"mommy!!" caleb said.
"yes caleb?"
"claire keeps hitting me!!"
"claire! stop it! you want a time out?"
"no mommy please!!" said claire.
"that's what i thought silly!"

hayden's pov-
i miss her. i miss her. i miss her. her smile. her everything. julianna grace summerall. i mean.. leblanc now..

i got interrupted from these thoughts by my wife, violet.

"thinking about that slut aren't you."
"she's not a slut, i left her."
"good job!"

i rolled my eyes. i check instagram. and see annie's face. damn it julianna. damn it damn it damn it!

277,826 likes 87,868 commentsAnnsLeblanc-don't my children take the best pictures?

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277,826 likes 87,868 comments
don't my children take the best pictures?

kenzie- wow. beautiful!
brennan1103- definitely!
juanorlando- when do i get to see them i miss them:(
carsonlueders- Dm me!! let's hang
annieleblanccccccyyyy-  what happened to vlogging :(

annie's pov-
"i love you hay hay!!! thank you for taking my picture you beautiful princess"
"when do i get to see daddy again?"

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