Chapter 13: Memories.

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This chapter is like Mari telling you what happened
Dun judge.

Marinette's POV

I ran towards the Eiffel Tower as fast as I could without being Ladybug. Memories I didn't want came crashing into my mind.

20 years ago, I stood there facing  Element and HawkMoth.

We had got to the scene after transforming. I was puzzled as this time, the akuma had HawkMoth's voice.

Element started flooding the streets, and it jumped into the water, shape shifting slightly.


I lightly touched the ladybug on my chest and murmured. I looked as everyone transformed as well.

Master Fu had sensed something coming up, and had started preparing us.

However looks like one month of practice wasn't enough.

I saw as people couldn't get to higher ground in time and did my best trying to hold back the water, so that the people had enough time to run. I did everything right, however, forgetting about the fact that I hadn't locked the motion, I released it, and the water came crashing down. Towards someone. We were warned that all these new powers would be hard to grasp and we're all aware that we would be in serious danger if ever we had to fight with that powerful spell. That day I almost killed my teammates. We almost killed each other.

I shuddered as I remembered how Bee had dived to save Rena, while I stood there in shock after realising what the water would hit. I almost became the murderer of my best friend.

We had battled the akuma for half a day, and I was puzzeled. I couldn't find any item that the akuma could be hiding in. Rena decided that they would cover me while I detransformed and asked Tikki for help.

Tikki came out of my earrings, still in her full element form. She peeked out from where we were and looked as everyone else fought the akuma. I was in a trance when she suddenly gasped.

"Marinette....There's no akuma victim.....That is just a normal mannequin with the akuma on it. You need to either freeze it in place and remove the akuma, or go straight to the source.

I looked and my eyes widened. HawkMoth had appeared and I understood what Tikki meant.

I thought as Tikki kept a lookout. It suddenly hit me

I had to use the Freeze spell.

"Tikki, you know I couldn't even do the Freeze spell properly!"

Tikki turned her head.

"But Mari! You're the one that got the closest to it!"

"Tikki! I tried and I almost killed Chole instead! I can't risk it! I could hit Nino or Adrien or anyone!" I cried out.

It had happened during one of our training. Master Fu felt that we were ready to attempt the Frezee spell, one of the hardest in our powers. All the harder maneuvers came with a spell.
Not just spells, some had movements and gestures!We had tried for a few days, and Master Fu told us to freeze the plant he had.

I did the last part wrongly and instead almost froze Chloe. What made it worse was that it was supposed to be harmless ice to keep someone in a place. But the one I did wasn't. It was the type that could kill someone.

"Or you five could try and lock Nooroo inside the moth miraculous......... He probably would rather stay there than with HawkMoth.........."

Lock HawkMoth's kwami?

(I know that Nooroo's gender differs with the language but let's just go with a male. Don't ask me why)

"He will be temporary, but it should keep him there for about more than a decade. And luckily HawkMoth is here, so we have that as an option."

At least it was better than having to do the ice spell.

I nodded, and looked over to where my friends were.

"What's the spell?"

We had to do this.

"Just say this: I call upon the power from the depths. To trap evil in its source. To trap Nooroo in the brooch. To stop this evil force."

I muttered word for word, memorising the spell.

"And you five will have to stand in a star formation...." Tikki says, drawing the formation with her hands.

"...In this order.... You, Bee, Chat, Rena, Carapace."

I nodded, and quickly transformed back. They all looked at me as I ran back, a little out of breath.

"All of you, no questions. Stand in this formation now." I quickly said, and held up my hand to show the formation. "Bee, beside me. The rest of you follow as I saw your name. Chat, Rena, Carapace." They looked curious as they stood in the formation. I looked as HawkMoth seemed puzzled as he stood there.
"Join hands according to the formation. Carapace and Bee. Bee and Rena. Rena and me. Me and Chat. Chat and Carapace." They slowly joined hands as our miraculouses glowed. "Keep quiet and don't think of evil. Think happy thoughts and do not break the formation." They all nodded as I breath, preparing for what was coming.

"I call upon the power from the depths. To trap evil in its source. To trap Nooroo in the brooch. To stop this evil force."

I almost gasped as I felt the combined powers of the miraculouses flow through me. I kept my thoughts steady, and directed the energy towards the Moth Miraculous HawkMoth was wearing. With a burst of light, a ball of glitter that looked like the one when I first met Tikki formed. The ball of glitter had all our colours in a swirl. Suddenly, it shot towards HawkMoth and exploded, and we heard his miraculous beep. Element fell to the ground as the akuma detached itself from it. I quickly let go of the rest of them and captured the akuma, purifing it. Gasping, I fell to the ground in exhaustion as I saw HawkMoth run away. I tried to stand up, but none of the team let me.

"Oh no. We are getting you home little bug. We are not going after HawkMoth." Nino sensibly said.

The last thing I saw before passing out was them looking at me.



I sat up, before realising I was in my bed. Plagg and Pollen floated above me while the rest of them came running and zooming up.

Adrien looked at me, where there were bruises all over me.

"Oh my god.... Bug......"

"Mari...." Tikki was sobbing on my pillow. "I'm sorry.... The spell took out too much energy from you and....and I couldn't heal much of you.." She choked. I realised I was wearing a spare set of pajamas and looked around.

"Tikki could only heal what the spell did to you so these will have to heal naturally..." Wayzz said softly. I looked around and noticed that the rest of them were totally fine. Smiling, faintly whispered our usual celebration phrase.


OMG this broke chapter 10's record for about of words. Yeah it took a dark turn....

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