6 - Visitors

29 3 6

Alan felt pretty bad right about now. He had come up to the rooftop alone, but he did have access to a communicator. There were what were called "hero charities" that supported those who wanted to get into this type of thing who lacked the funds to do so.

"What do you want to do about this?"

"How old are they?" Ellie hissed through the static that she was catching.

He kept looking over, still keeping himself as hidden as possible. "I'm guessing they're somewhere in their teens..." He squinted at the more squat boy. "...Though I'm guessing that these two aren't the same age."

Thankfully, this wasn't a very high rooftop, and there was an indentation in it to provide him with cover. "You could scare them away..."

This had been the contingency plan in case some looters had gotten any ideas. In a sense, it was a miracle that this kind of situation hadn't come up yet. She hadn't liked the idea of scaring people like that, but reluctantly agreed with him, as they didn't need anyone busting in without their permission.

There was a distasteful sigh on the other end. "I don't fully trust myself not to hurt those kids somehow..."

He smiled nervously, although it couldn't be seen from where he was. "Like I've said before, you haven't killed me yet."

"Are they still hiding out there?"

He looked again. "No... Wait. I think they went in!"

"Ugh!" There was a bit of a growl to her voice. The frustration was getting to her.

"Just calm down. Take some deep breaths. We'll figure this out."

"Fine... What do we do now?"

If he had a beard to stroke, he would've. Of course, he wasn't the slightest bit interested in growing any hair on top of what he already had.

"What could they be here for? I don't think they're here to loot us. Do you think there's a chance they're just... curious?"

"They seem pretty curious to me. They're in here!"

Another possibility came to mind. "What if... What if we're the reason they're here?"

There was more pure discomfort in the werewolf woman's voice. She seemed torn about what to do. "We're not tour guides."

"Where are you hiding?"

"A storage closet. There are lots of these scattered around here, apparently..."


"I didn't exactly get a map when I came here..."

He made a mental note to have them both explore the facility later. "That brings us back to our original problem... Wait. You have super hearing. Can you pick up anything from them?"

A sheepish grin could be heard in her voice. "I forgot I actually had that. I don't really use it very much. Hmm..."



Andy was elated. This place was great! So much to see here. Mitch didn't seem exactly fond of running around like this himself, though.

"Do you even know where you're going?"

"Yeah, yeah. We'll be fine."

"You say that..." Mitch sometimes could whine with the best of them, to his brother.

"Tell me you're not interested in all this."

The darker-skinned boy mumbled something, but then asked a question. "So, what do you think this place was used for? There doesn't seem to be that much around."

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