Chapter : 3

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Callie's POV

I walked into my house and I heard yelling and screaming. I knew its was are dad beating the crap out of Jude

"hey!!! keep your hands off of him!!!!! " I yelled

" why the hell are you late!!! " he yelled back

" I-I-I- was playing a board game with the Fosters. "

" don't give me that shit. I know you were over there kissing your little fucking boyfriend "

" he is not my boyfriend "

" I think that you should stay the hell away from Brandon !!!" he yelled. I couldn't stay away from Brandon. But as I got closer to my dad I smelled bear.

" dad, um " I was now crying because I was scared and Jude had bruises from where he was just hit. He was screaming and crying his heart out and it killed me to see him like that. I then took Jude by the arm and told him to go pack and bring his book bag . I told him that we would be spending the night at the Fosters. He nodded and headed to his room to go get his things. I went to do the same and called Mariana

Phone Call:

"hey Mariana can me and Jude spend the night there "

" sure but is something wrong because I can hear you crying "

" I will tell you when we get there. Thanks. Bye"

" bye "

End of Phone Call

" you ready Jude " I asked

" yep "

" ok come on let's go. I will treat your bruises when we get to the Fosters house "

" ok and thanks Callie "

" no problem, now let's go " with that we walked across the street to the destination. I walked up to the door and knocked and Stef answered

" hey, sweets. Come in. Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes "

" thanks and I'm sorry for intruding "

" oh honey your not intruding. You and Jude both know where Mariana and Jesus rooms are "

" yeah, I just had to get Jude out of their because- " I then pulled Jude in and showed her his bruises

" oh honey we got to do something about this "

" I am. That's why we am over here. We will see you in 10 minutes" I said walking away.

Brandon and callie a friendship that will blossomWhere stories live. Discover now