Chapter 5

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From now on, everything is gonna be from Amber's P.O.V because I think it'd just work better that way. You'll still hear all of the other characters drama but it'll be from Amber's P.O.V. Thanks y'all!!!

I smile and shield my face as Ethan tries to take my picture.

"Stop!" I try to sound serious, but I still giggle when he tries to get a picture of me.

"Never! C'mere." I shyly step towards him. He also steps forward and we are only inches apart. I have to crane my neck upwards for my dark eyes to make contact with his own.

He reaches up to my face and fixes my glasses. He then pushes a strand of hair away from my face and tucks it behind my ear.

"You know you're a lot prettier when your face is visible?" I try to thank him or at least talk, but my attempt at thanks catches in my throat.

"So are you." I mentally slap my forehead with my palm.

"You think I'm pretty?" He mockingly takes up a pretty princess pose.

I clear my throat. "Handsome." He lets his hands, which had been in the air as he had been twirling like a ballerina, fall back to his sides.

"So- So- You don't think I'm p-pretty?" I laugh, clutching my sides. When I laugh, I laugh loud. And ugly.

I cover my mouth with one hand while the other stays clutched onto my stomach.

When I finally open my eyes after my laughing fit, I notice Ethan still holding my camera. He smiles at me.

"Got some good pictures." I grab at my camera and pull it into my chest. I don't trust anyone with my baby.

I lift it over my head and rest it on my neck. Ethan stands across from me, smiling and looking at me, like millions of thoughts buzz in his brain.

"What?" I talk through my hand, which is still clutched over my mouth. My words come out muffled and giggly, of course.

"You're just not like other" I look into his eyes and I know what he planned to say "people."

Oh. I don't have a crush on him. Why did I get butterflies when I thought he would finish that sentence off with 'girls'?

I tuck my already-tucked hair behind my ears and blush awkwardly, shifting on my feet. He walks over to me and drapes an arm over my shoulder.

"Can I ask why I'm being shyer than Ethan Davis? The definition of shy?" He shrugs.

"Maybe I just think you're cool." I scoff. I'm probably the lamest person within a five-thousand mile radius.

I'm saved from whatever awkward response I would have given by Kay and Travis returning from their loud and obnoxious ride on the Ferris wheel.

"I don't know about you guys but I want food." I raise an eyebrow. His furrow in response.

"What?" I shake my head.

"Didn't you have dinner like 30 minutes ago?" He shrugs, a smirk across his lips.

"Exactly. That's why I'm hungry." He grabs my hand and tugs me from underneath Ethan's warm arm. Kayla glares at him....wait what? Why?

He skips ahead like a child, dragging me behind him. Kayla and Ethan, in turn, chase after us. I giggle when we stop at the fence and Travis trips over his feet.

"C'mon." He slings me over his shoulder. I punch at his back and and scream, laughing.

"Travis! Put me down!" He turns back to me and I get a glimpse of a wide smirk on his face.

"As you wish." My stomach lurches as he lifts me off of his shoulders and holds me high. His smile shines up at me and I as look over his face and his (gorgeous, sexy, rippling, and did I mention sexy) muscles I notice it's no stress for him to hold me up.

He sets me on top of the fence and I smile as Ethan crawls up next to me. I blush and look downwards as his converse lock with the fence and his hands slither around my waist.

Then, such a tease, they drop to the fence on either sides of me and he pulls himself up next to me. He flips his legs over the edge and jumps off.

Internally sighing, I follow. Travis and Kayla jump down together and immediately, Travis practically sprints to his car. I run after him and jump into the back seat.

"To Stout's!"


We pull into the parking spot and Stout's and I open my door, ready to eat. All the talk about food from Travis made me realize I actually am hungry. I bend down and fix my hair in the side mirror.

"Amber, babe, you look hot. Don't worry." I turn around to face Travis who didn't even have visual of my face if you catch my drift.

"How straight can you be?" He smiles proudly. Gross.

"Extremely. Wanna see for yourself?" I think I just puked a little. Kayla scoffs.

"Disgusting. You're disgustingly straight." We walk into the restaurant, Ethan being quiet once again.

Ethan and I pick a booth while Travis and Kayla go to the bathroom. At the same time?

I sit across from Ethan and my stomach flutters at the silence hanging in the air. I look up and realize he's been staring. Our eyes meet and I swear I could have melted.

His blue eyes glitter gently and are filled with so much mystery. I never understood how eyes could express feeling, until now.

I allow my eyes to trail away, down his perfect cheeks and onto his lips. Oh. His lips. I shake my head when I notice they're moving.

"Huh?" He smiles and mirrors my action. After casting a glance towards the bathroom, he looks back at me.

"Do you think they're--" I interrupt him. Gross.

"Ew. Ew ew ew. No." He laughs and raises his hands in surrender.

"Okay. Okay." He immediately rests them back on the table and silences his laughter when Kayla and Travis come back. Together.

The rest of the night is filled with laughs, but also, for me, nerves, I'm relieved when I close the door behind Kay and I that night.

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