Chapter 10

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"Amber," Damien's eyes flicker from my eyes to my body, then back up again. "You look..." Once again, his eyes travel downwards, making me feel more slutty than before. "Damn."

I blush and Kayla steps up to him. She grabs onto his chin and tilts it upwards. "Her eyes are up here, pervert."

He shakes his head and I blush, crossing my arms over my chest. "You must be the famous best friend." He says, not bothering to hide the irritation in his voice.

"Yeah." Damien extends a hand to her and gives her a dazzling smile. She turns to me, raising her eyebrows.

She takes his hand and shakes it, smiling as radiantly as Damien. When Kayla pulls back, she takes my hand instead and begins dragging me into another room, filled with dancing people.

"Dance with me." I roll my eyes as she pulls me towards the center. She spins around me and I twirl with her. I laugh as she turns her back to me and then falls, letting me catch her and spin her once more.

My laughter is immediately interrupted when a boy comes up to us. He flashes us a white smile and extends a hand to Kayla, who earns an elbow in the side from me.

"May I cut in?" He asks me and I nod, giving Kayla a thumbs up. As I walk away, she whispers in my ear.

"Now go talk to your hottie while I dance with mine." I roll my eyes though my stomach is squirming. My emotions tend to hide behind sarcasm.

I push my way through the crowd in attempts to make it to somewhere quiet and alone. I reach the kitchen and feel vomit come up in my throat when I realize I'm not alone.

On the kitchen counter, sits a girl with her legs wrapped around the waist of a boy while they kiss. At my entrance, they pull apart, but the girl doesn't unlatch her arms from the boy's neck.

When they turn to me, I groan inside. The girl is a large reason I hate school; Ivory Payne. She is the most popular girl at RidgeWay high; with her own entourage and fan club. She has something personal against me although I don't know what it is.

The boy that had previously been sucking face with her is our schools running back; Jackson King. He pretty much rules the school and sleeps with anything that breathes. He, like every other guy I've seen at this party gives me a once-over as he unwraps his arms from Ivory's waist.

"Hey, uh," he stutters. I cross my arms over my chest, blushing.

"Amber." I finish. Ivory hops off the counter and sends me a glare as she walks past me.

"What school do you go to?" I frown, glaring at him.

"Ridgeway." He mirror my action and frowns in turn.

"Are you new?" I stand up straighter and take a step towards him. Obviously, that wasn't a smart choice because he stands a head taller than me and I have to look upwards to meet his hazel eyes.

"I've known you since 3rd grade, asshole." I turn to walk away but meet Damien in the entrance. Thankfully, Jackson squirms past us and leaves.

"Something to drink?" Damien asks, obviously not sensing the heavy tension hanging in the air.

I nod, brushing a stray strand of hair away from my eyes. "I'll have a Pepsi please." He rolls his eyes.

"You're not having a Pepsi. Live a little. Loosen up." Now it's my turn to roll my eyes.

"Alcohol has caused enough problems in my life." Damien's eyes soften, but he doesn't intrude thank god.

"Listen, I'm not saying that you have to get completely wasted, but you need to take a break. You're growing up too fast and before you know it the time for being loose is up. If you do it, then you won't need to feel guilty, it'll make you happier, a lot of weight will be lifted of your shoulders. Just try." I give him a weak smile, then weighing my options, I uncross my arms and hop onto the counter.

"Surprise me." He smiles brightly and turns his back to me, grabbing something from the fridge. I teasingly put my hands over my eyes, then think better as we're at a teenage party. I squeal as I hear clinking of glass.

As Damien hands me the glass, I look at it suspiciously. He shakes his head, smiling, his eyes urging me to go on. I raise the glass to my lips and ignore the burning sensation as it trickles down my throat. It's sweet; good. I take another sip and Damien pumps his fist in triumph.

"Now that you're loose. Come dance with me." I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Me? Dancing? No way." He frowns and then sighs, shaking his head.

"Okay we'll have to go the hard way then." He grabs my waist and pulls me off the counter. Laughing and squealing as he throws me over his shoulder, I am brought to the makeshift dance floor.

I swing my hips and watch as Damien does a crazy dance of his own. I coma back with another dance, crazier than the last. Having finished my entire drink by the time our competition is over, Damien grabs my glass?

"Another?" He shouts over the music and I nod. He walks away and I turn my back from the space he was in. Somebody catches me at my hips and I try to apologize until I see Jackson staring down at me.

"Excuse me." I try to pull away but instead he pulls me in closer. Ivory stands in the corner, sending me knife-like glares.

"Waaaant a drink sweethearrrt?" He slurs, pulling me in closer with one hand as the over brings a bottle to his mouth. I squirm under his grip.

"No, I'm here with a date and he's getting me something else, thanks." He looks down at me, confused.

"You're heeeere with Damien?" I roll my eyes, nodding. He shakes his head furiously, his black hair bobbing with it.

"He's bad news, Amber. Don't." I roll my eyes again.

"I'm a big girl, tie my own sneakers and everything. I think I can choose the right people for myself." He rolls his eyes, but they stop on his drink as if finally remembering it's there.

"Can the big girl hold down her liquor?" I groan under my breath. I do not have time for this.

"If I drink some, will you shut up and leave me alone?" He nods happily, shoving the drink towards me.

All responsibility and sense seeps out of my brain as the first bit of liquor drains down my throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2014 ⏰

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