Chapter 7

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As I help Tris off the net, I make a mental list of all the transfers when they jumped and in which order:

1 . Tris

2. Christina

3. Peter

4. Robert

5. Edward

6. Will

7. Al

8. Molly

9. Drew

10. Myra

When everyone has gotten off the net. Lauren and I lead all the transfers and dauntless born to the chasm.

alright, this is where we split up I say

dauntless born with me, and transfers with Four Lauren says harshly

alright, this is the chasm. This chasm reminds us that there is a fine line between being brave and being an idiot. One jump off this, and that will lead you to your death I say oh, and I forgot to introduce myself, my names Four.

like the number? says Christina

yes, is there I problem I say trying to scare them so I can earn some respect next we have the pit

wow what I creative name I hear Christina say

I walk right up to her and look her in the eye and say if I wanted to hear Candor smart mouths, I would have joined them. That seemed to shut her up. After showing them the pit I lead them to there rooms.

this is where you will be staying during your weeks here at Dauntless boarding school I say

Just before leaving I hear Christina ask Tris what she thinks of me.

I think that he is intimidating I hear her say as a smile creaps up my face.


Today is the first day of initation. I watch as the transfers walk in, and I can't help but notice my eyes linger on Tris, watching her every move.

welcome to Dauntless. For three weeks you will be training here. Week one you will be learing physical fighting, week two you will learn how to be brave mentally, then one will three you combine both and have a final assement. But you will also be scored each week depending on how well you do through out that week. The scores are not weighed evenly at the end, so I suggest that you try very hard at everyone. I say while pacing hopeing that Tris will make it to Dauntless. Today we will learn how to shoot a gun I say very sternly.

What does shooting a gun have to with being brave I hear one of the transfers say, I think its Peter.

Well to scare him, lock my bullet in place and press my gun to his forehead Your holding a loaded gun, act like it I say while seeing him stiffin up, and as soon as I put the gun down he goes back to slowching.

After todays leason we all go to the cafateria to eat. I sit with the tranfers. Tris sit next to me, then Christina, and Robert is across the table. I hope Tris can't hear my heart beating.

I see Tris trying to pick up a hamburger with two fingers.

What are you doing? Have you never eatin a hamburger before!? I hear Christina say

That's what there called Tris says

In Abnegation we only eat plain food I hear Robert say, I can't help but think that, that was what I was going to say that.

No wonder you left I hear Christina exclaim

Yah, only because of the food Tris says while I'm trying to hold back from laughing.

Suddenly Eric walks up and asks me to introduce him to Tris and Christina, and I can't help but notice his eyes linger on Tris. Stay away from my women. I also see Tris examining what kind of relationship we have. After Eric leaves she asks me if we are friends, I said no, we were just in the same initation group.


After lunch we go back to the training room to learn how to fight. I teach them a few simple moves then send them to work on there own. I walk around to see everyone as the kick and punch the punching bags.

When I get to Tris, I notice that she doesnt have a lot of muscle, so I tell her to use her knees and elbows. Suddenly I put my hand on her stomach to tell her to keep all the tension there. While I'm touching her stomach I can feel the sparks flying. I wonder if she is feeling the same thing.

As I walk away I see that it takes Tris a couple moments to get started again. I can also feel someones eyes staring at me, I turn around to see no other than Robert, and he looks pretty mad that I put my hand on Tris. I can't help but feel a little smile creep up, knowing that he is pissed.


After training today I walk back to the transfers sleeping area just to see what everyone is doing. When I walk in I see Tris and Robert talking on a bed.I stay there looking in through the door just to see what they are doing out of curiousity, suddenly they are making out, so to inturpt that, I walk in and say that dinner is ready, they are all walking out door to the cafateria.

But all during dinner I couldn't help but feel my heart shaddering, I guess that it is time for plan B.

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