Lucy trains Wendy

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-In the morning-

Lucy starts to wake up. It takes her some time until she is finally able to see her surroundings. When Lucy is fully awake she decided to get ready for the day. Later on she wakes up her siblings and Wendy she cooks breakfast with the help of Wendy of course. They all start eating and planning on what they should do for today. Lucy decided that it was time for her to train Wendy.

Sting: Alright then we are going to go and meditate in the cave you can meet us there later if you want.

Lucy: Okkk!! Come on Wendy time to go train.

Wendy: Hai!!!

Lucy and Wendy leave the house. They start to walk in search of the clearing they need. But instead they found a river with a waterfall and plant around it. They stared in awe at the greenery sight before them. They decided to train there.

Lucy: Ok in order for you to be able to use your attacks I will have you to meditate. But I will also meditate with you. This setting will be perfect since it's very peaceful.

Wendy: Hai!!!

After 2 hours they decided to eat. It took them some time to find fish and cook it.

Wendy: Alright Lu what's next?

Lucy: Hmmm let's see............ oh I've got it!! You will destroy a boulder with your magic.

Wendy: What!?! That's impossible!!!

Lucy: I believe in you Wendy!!!

Wendy: Alright. So which boulder?

Lucy: Pick any one!!

Wendy: Hai!!*sees the perfect boulder* Alright I can do this!!  Sky Dragon: Roar!!!! What nothing happened!?! Tch. Sky Dragon: Wing Attack!!!

Lucy: Ohh.... look I see a crack on the boulder!!!

Wendy; Really!?! Yesss!!! I cracked the stupid boulder!!!!

Lucy: Well continue like I said you need to completely destroy it.

Wendy: Hai!! Sky Dragon: Sky Drill!!!

The boulder cracks even more. Seeing this Wendy continues to jump around in excitement. Lucy got an idea and decided to tell Wendy.

Lucy: Hey Wendy. I just got an idea maybe you can try to cover your fist with wind and try punching the boulder maybe even try kicking it. In order to do that you need to focus your magic to your fists once you feel the slightest air punch the boulder it's also the same for kicking.

Wendy: Ok!!! Let's try it!!

Lucy: Ok breathe in and out concentrate on your surroundings, steady your breathing, focus on the air beside you, the nature beside you once that happens you will be able to use that attack.

Wendy: Ok.*closes her eyes and breathes slowly concentrating on her surroundings*

Lucy: Good. Remember when you feel the slightest air around your fist punch the boulder.

Wendy:...........Now!!!*punches the boulder repeatedly*

Lucy: I'm impressed Wendy. So what will you call that attack?

Wendy: I will call it Aerial punch.

Lucy: Ohhh it sounds deadly.

Wendy: You think so?

Lucy: I know so. Look at what you did to the boulder and not just the boulder.

Wendy: What do you me- Woah!?! I completely destroyed the forest!!!!

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