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It seemed like Jaehyun had came to their hiding spot a little earlier as there was a blanket laid on the ground with a few more snacks and treats next to it. Taeyong perked up at this and smiled knowing he would really enjoy today. He enjoyed everyday as he spent it with Jaehyun mostly but today was even more special because his two favorites things were in it, food and Jaehyun. Jaehyun was thinking the same thing as he looked at his hand where he was carrying his power ranger lunch box and in the other his and Taeyong's intertwined fingers.

Jaehyun loved this feeling of happiness whenever he was around Taeyong. At times it felt overwhelming as if he needed to be with the boy all the time but yet at the same time it was a nice feeling. He had asked his mother about it when they got back from church and she was not happy about it.

"Mom? Can I ask you something?" A nervous Jaehyun asked fiddling with the buttons on his shirt. His mother nodded although she was busy cooking dinner not focusing on jaehyun's fidgeting behavior. He wasn't sure if he could come to her for things or anything since she always got mad at every little thing. He felt like he needed to either way as whatever he was feeling was becoming too much and he didn't know what to do about it. 'My mom will understand right?' he kept repeating in his head to make him feel better. The more he kept thinking about it the more he felt like vomiting at how strong the emotions were.

Jaehyun would always come to Taeyong for these type of things as Taeyong would never turn him down and was a great listener when it came to him. Although this time he couldn't as the feelings Jaehyun was feeling were because of Taeyong and he wasn't exactly sure how Taeyong would react and if he even carried the same emotions as him. This was all new to Jaehyun and he was pretty terrified not wanting to lose his best friend. He just hoped his mother could help him resolve this situation in the best way possible.

"Jaehyun dear I don't have all the time in the world so please tell me what you need" his mother said as she started to get slightly annoyed that her son hadn't spoken a word. Jaehyun hadn't realized he was lost in his thoughts and mentally cursed himself that he had angered his mother.

"S-sorry it's just that...I've been feeling weird around Tae" Jaehyun suddenly confessed causing his mother to raise an eyebrow and focus her attention on her son.

"I told you that boy was no good once I laid eyes on him Jaehyun. What did he do?"

Jaehyun's heart dropped hearing her belittle his best friend. He grew sick of it and wanted to let his mother know how great of a person Taeyong was to him.

"He's been good to me mother. I don't understand why you don't like him. He treats me better than you ever had and I'm grateful to have him in my life. He makes me happy!" Jaehyun yelled feeling himself shake with anger. Jaehyun's mother was in shock but soon grew angry realizing what the situation was about.

"Jaehyun did you grow feelings for that filthy boy?! That's it! I won't allow you to see him anymore!"

"You can't make me I love him!" Jaehyun shouted quickly grabbing his backpack and his lunchbox before running outside to Taeyong's house. Jaehyun stopped running after awhile thinking back to the words he shouted at his mother.

'I love him.'

Did Jaehyun really love Taeyong? Jaehyun didn't have a clue on what love was but it felt right saying those words. Jaehyun then felt a thousand butterflies in his stomach and smiled.

"I'm in love with Lee Taeyong!" He shouted to no one and laughed.

Jaehyun smiled wide reliving the moment and even had a skip in his feet once they reached the picnic area and sat down.

Taeyong noticed Jaehyun's happy mood and commented "what's got you so happy today?"

"You" Jaehyun replied feeling a boost of confidence surge through him. Taeyong's cheeks turned a dark red as he held his breath not knowing what to say. Thankfully for Taeyong he didn't have to say anything as Jaehyun urged him to start digging in to the treats he had prepared for them.

Taeyong was happily munching on his sandwich when he caught Jaehyun staring at him. Jaehyun hadn't touched his sandwich as he was too focused on Taeyong's beautiful features to care about eating. Without Jaehyun noticing he had gently wiped his finger over Taeyong's lips as there was mayonnaise at the corner of his lips. Taeyong gasped but enjoyed the feeling is his touch. Taeyong didn't know why but he felt himself leaning closer to Jaehyun. Jaehyun stayed still and slowly closed his eyes with a small smile on his lips. Their lips met gently and it was a feeling both boys had never experienced but felt so much love and connection between.

Jaehyun found this moment to be perfect until a horrified scream made them separate from their kiss. Everything took a turn for the worst as Jaehyun's mother was standing there with a disgusted look.


Hi sorry it's been awhile! I started senior year already and it's been a handful already haha I wanted to write more but I'll save it for the next chapter

What do you think is gonna happen? 👀

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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