[Chapter 12]

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(Warning: This flashback might be a little gory)

"Where are we headed Master Ayana?"(Y/N) turned to Ayana who kept looking forward.

"...You've been doing great the past 3 years(Y/N). Now that you are 18, I have a feeling you are ready for this." She sighed, "-but I really need you to understand that in battle or in any situation... you will give up everything and anything to protect someone. You will go beyond to keep life on this planet safe. I need you to get that imprinted on your mind." 

She stopped in her tracks to a tall broken down building. The windows were barricaded with soiled wood and there were multiple cracks in the walls and everything.

"We're here" She replied.  

  (Y/N) looked around, "What are we gonna do here?" 

"There is a cat inside. Lets go see it." Master Ayana led her to the door. The door had a lock on it, Ayana took out a key and unlocked it and opened the door.

Everything inside was torn a part along with.. unknown liquids everywhere, most likely blood. (Y/N) nervously gulped as she followed Master Ayana. 

They eventually made it to a room upstairs where a little kitten was found on the ground waiting. 

"Aww, what a lil cutie!"(Y/N) pet its head and the kitten purred in response.

"Your mission is to take of this cat no matter what." Master Ayana said coldly.

"That should be easy.."(Y/N) replied confused.

"But- you must remain in this building and you may not use your quirk AT ALL." Master Ayana stared at(Y/N) with a deadly eye. "If you violate any of these rules, you will regret it.

  (Y/N) gulped nervously and glanced over to the cat.

Master Ayana pointed to the cat,  "You must keep the cat alive for 30 days. That means you are willing to kill and sacrifice anything and anyone for this cat, do you understand?"

  (Y/N) nodded. 

"Great! Ill see you in 30 days!" And just like that, Master Ayana left.



  (Y/N) ran into problems immediately. The cat was starving and there was no food in the house... other than the dead body she found in the basement...

The nights were the hardest, the building was actually used for drug deals and was a criminal base at night.

(Y/N) desperately hid in the attic with the kitten trying to avoid the people. The kitten kept meowing and a criminal eventually found(Y/N).

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