Mario Brothers in Splatoon

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The sun rose behind the big green mountains that sprout from the earth floor, trees gracefully stand pridefully and beautifully against the suns rays shining upon it. Behind those Majestic trees, is a kingdom called the Mushroom Kingdom, where a beautiful, strong, and beloved princess rules the whole Mushroom kingdom. But 2 miles east, lives a tiny brown, wooden shack, it was a one story home surrounded by trees, a big sign in the top middle of the house that read "Mario and Luigi's home". Home of two Italian heroes who save the Mushroom Kingdom from the evil forces of Bowser and his Koopalings.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Click!

*YAWN* Mario rose from his bed as he looked outside his window to only discover a beautiful bright day.

Mario was a 27 year old Italian plumber who is known for his bravery and saving the princess from trouble. He's 5'4", wears red clothes with blue overalls, wears a red hat with a big M in the front middle and big blue eyes. He is also known for his big and fluffy mustache that runs from under his nose to almost reaching his ears.

"What a great day!, hopefully there's no trouble today." Exclaimed Mario.

"Good morning Mario!" Said Luigi. Mario's only trusted 26 year old brother. Just like Mario, wearing overalls, his noticeable mustache like Mario's,big blue eyes, and having a L in the middle of his hat. But Luigi is a little taller than Mario, being at 6', he also wears green clothes instead of red.

"We got a phone call earlier from Princess Peach about 2 minutes ago, she said she has a pipe problem and wants us to investigate the problem and fix it."

"Huh?, strange, she usually doesn't have any pipe problems, do you think this is Bowsers doing Luigi?"

"I don't know Mario, but sit down and get ready, after a delicious spaghetti breakfast, we're going to the kingdom and fix that pipe ok?"

"Alright Luigi!"

17 minutes later and one delicious spaghetti breakfast later...

"Oh thank goodness you're both here Mario and Luigi!!! I have this problem and I need your help with, follow me to the basement." Exclaimed Peach.

Mario and Luigi followed the Princess towards the basement, it was dark, but thankfully she has a lamp that lit the whole room. They arrived to the pipe, but, it was a weird looking pipe, it looked like a kettle than a pipe. But this problem didn't seem to bother the Bros too much.

"This sound came up about like a week ago, and it can be heard everywhere around the whole castle, can you two please fix this?" Asked Peach.

In Unison

"Peach, you are talking to the best plumbers in the whole world!!!"

"Thank you so much you two, I knew I can rely on you both, I'll repay you when you get done fixing this."

5 Minutes later...

Mario and Luigi were having a hard time figuring out what was the problem, the pipe was not the same pipe they ever saw in they're plumbing careers.

"Luigi, I see 2 screw holes, I'm going to open it and going inside to see if there is a clog ok?, you are going to hold me with a piece of rope, you got that?"

"Yes Mario!"

Once they gathered their stuff and getting ready to go down on the pipe, Mario was nervous at first, but got over it.

'The sooner the better Mario, calm down, once this is over you can get over with life.'' Mario thought.

Once inside the pipe, Mario found nothing wrong with the pipe, it was shiny gray with lumps of paint on the sides, but wait, this paint looked... new. Mario found this suspicious and investigated further with this substance, once taking a closer look he realized it was... ink? It was also a mesh of green and pink ink... weird.

Mario Brothers in Splatoon Where stories live. Discover now