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Song of this chapter

Slow hands Naill Horan


"You get under my skin, more than anything

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"You get under my skin, more than anything."

- Rock bottom, Hailee Steinfeld



I was fuming.


My mother was on the other side of the phone listing 101 reasons for why Ethan Rodriguez was perfect.

I really wanted to send my phone flying across the cafeteria into the bin on the other side of it, but then I liked my phone and I was not going to throw it away for Ethan. Real talk.

"Honey, he's do right for you. Krystal and I wanted you both to date form the very beginning." She continued her fan-girling.

Yeah right, probably that was the reason why Ethan and I dated each other ever in the first place.

I distanced the device from my swelling ear and silently groaned. I always knew that Ethan was stupid. But I never thought that he would do something so dumb. But apparently by now Ethan has got a diploma in breaking my expectations from him.

I could still just tell my mother and Krystal that Ethan lied to them and we weren't dating but that would burst another blackmailing sessions from our mothers.

And for the record they have done it before too.

After my first break up and Ethan's hundredth, our mothers started to brainwash and feed our minds with each other's microscopic details. I still think Krystal pressurised Ethan to ask me out like my mother forced me into saying a yes to him.

When Ethan and I broke up, our mothers mad it look like a national mourning occasion. It took a lot if effort to draw them back to their normal selves.

And now that douchebag has started it all from square one.

"...........Avalyn, are you even listening to me?


"Yes Mom, I am. Ethan is a really nice guy." My tongue did suicide in my mouth as these words came out.

The word nice and the name Ethan don't go well in the same sentence. Fact.

"Ava honestly I think you're lucky to have a boyfriend like him."

Lucky my ass.

"Okay tell me one thing, how did he propose to you?" If a forty five year old could sound like a fifteen years old, then my mother just did.

Enthusiasm was dripping from her voice.

I feel guilty. Not the I-can't-meet-her-eyes level guilty. I couldn't even speak, let alone come up with another lie she wanted to listen.

"Mom..... Ethan and I, we just.... you know--" I was stuttering as I played with an empty can of apple juice on my table trying my hardest to come up with something.

Suddenly my phone was snatched from my grip. I looked up only to find Ethan standing next to my chair. "Mrs. Thomas, sorry but can Ava call you a little later, I wanted to take her on a date now, please?"

I kicked him in the shin. He didn't even budge.

Sometimes it sucks to have a short and fragile body frame.

"Thank you Mrs. Thomas. It was nice to talk to you." He exchanged a few pleasantries with my mother before ending the call and keeping it in my table. "You owe me, Avalyn Thomas." He chuckled somehow finding all this nuisance funny. He sat across the table in front of me.

"I owe you?! You created this whole mess Rodriguez. So shut up and stuff your cockiness in your butt!"

That is the thing about Ethan he  ruins my mood just by smiling in my direction, let alone say a whole arrogant sentence.

He rolled his eyes. "You are no fun, Thomas. Really."

"Screw off." I said before grabbing my copy of Looking for Alaska, from the table and turning away from him.

He caught my wrist before I could walk off.

In a machinery love story this would be the scene where the female protagonist's pulse would start racing and she would realize that she likes the player guy, but hey, who said that this is a machinery love story in the first place.

I turned and narrowed my eyes at Ethan as I tried to free my hand from his grip. I struggled for about two good minutes. Remember when I said that it sometimes sucks to be fragile. Scratch that. It always sucks to be fragile.

My whole body shook with my effort while he sat there humming the theme song of Pokémon.

"Leave my hand, Rodriguez!" I warned him.

"Not until you go me the number of your new roommate." He said.

"What?" I stopped struggling.

"You're new roommate thickhead. That brunette chick who shifted in your dorm yesterday."

"What would you do with Stacy's number?" I frowned.

"She's hot." He broke into an ear to a ear grin.

I slapped him across the face with my free hand. That wasn't a first.

"Uh ah, Avalyn! what the hell!?" He rubbed his side of the face as his grip on my wrist loosened.

I was quick in freeing my wrist form his grip. "If you want to fool around with her, do that on your own guts. I'm not helping."

With that I turned around and left him sitting there with the grumpiest expression know to human race. I turned around at the gate to look at him.

"And aren't we already dating, Ethie."

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