Chapter 5

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I agreed to marry a stranger, even though I promised to give James a chance. I don't think he can wait six months and I don't think I can survive six months unscathed. I can't do two-timing or three-timing, it's too much of a risk.

What did I get myself into?

On the next day, I was reviewing the condition of the resort and in my opinion, it won't hurt to renovate, plus it will be good to change all bed mattresses into new ones, since they are almost thirty years old.

Also, I introduced hotel workers to a new booking system that will efficiently check reservations through the computer without using a book.

Then I made a yard sale since my grandfather's house has been used as storage, also I cleaned up the attic in three houses, so we had a lot of stuff to sell. Surprisingly, a lot of people came to buy, mainly only common people, but I'm not surprised since we sell old stuff at an affordable price, maybe even cheaper.

In conclusion, the yard sale was a success. We earned a good amount of money to cover more than half of the renovation expenses.

Later that day I decided to research opening a new clinic with technology from Etria, since opening a new clinic will be beneficial to a lot of people in Ravendale, but it will not be free. Since I decided to open a clinic with my own money, not with the help of the government, it counts as if I was opening a private clinic. On the positive side, people who can afford it can have a better option.

It will take a lot of time and money to open clinics, because we need a physician, nurses, surgeons, pediatricians, dentists, and more. Furthermore, the clinic can't function without a pharmacy, since we need something to cure patients. I think my first steps will be opening a pharmacy, making a place for physicians, nurses, and surgeons and then hiring them.

"They responded." Marie came to my study and informed me. I looked at the chocolate-haired woman with confusion.

"That fast?"I asked her.

"They probably paid for fast delivery," Marie explained. I thanked Marie for giving me an envelope.

Either my in-laws want me to marry their sons fast, or their sons want me to marry as early as they can, so they can divorce me early. I sighed and I opened the envelope and in the envelope, I saw a letter and documents that I needed to sign, but first I looked at the letter.

Our dearest future wife, I read. I don't know if it's sarcasm or what they are trying to do. Why did they choose to address me like that? They could have used my real name, it still would've sounded formal, or they wanted to make it personal? Who knows.

We are glad that you decided to marry us. No, you don't.

Next in the letter, they explained that I needed to sign the documents and give those documents to the nearest registry office, and then our marriage will be official without a ceremony. Also, they explained that I have to start living in their house on the first day of February, which is only eight days left.

Alexander and Nathaniel from House of Amethyst. They signed formally.

I don't know how to feel about the letter. I mean I feel curious about them and curious how my life will be with them. I have a weird feeling. I started looking at documents and reading thoroughly before signing, then I noticed the other document.

Consent of Adoption.

Do they want to adopt a child? I know that in Etria you can't adopt a child without a wife's consent and even if they don't have a wife. It seems they want to adopt a girl. I was confused about why they wanted to adopt a child, but I still signed the document.

Later that day I wrote an email to Ashley since she is the only one to check emails. I explained that I had to stay here for six months and I told her that she can tell James about my arranged marriage and it was okay for him not to keep a promise.

The weird thing about Ravendale is that you would always find a trace of modern technology no matter where you are.


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