Chapter 17

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The house isn't as big as the manor that I currently live in, but the house has enough rooms for servants and guests. As any normal noble house family, the interior and exterior will have their house decorated with the family's gem color. Overall, the house looked gorgeous in the beautiful mountain scenery.

Some servants greeted us and took our baggage. Alexander looped my arm, while Nathaniel took Elizabeth's hand and led us to the house.

In the foyer, a couple stood there waiting for our arrival. Despite their age, they still looked beautiful and the elegant aura surrounding them made them look charming. There was no tension between them, this is what I seek in a relationship.

They both smiled when they saw us. I gave them a small shy smile. Despite this, I told myself that I didn't have to worry about their opinion of me. I still felt the need to make sure I have a good first impression.

"Welcome to our house we are glad to finally meet you. My name is Charlotte, but I don't mind you calling me a mother." My mother-in-law introduced herself. She has black hair like my husband's but green eyes. Their father also has black hair, and he also has purple eyes like my husband's.

"This is my husband, also your father-in-law, Edward." My mother-in-law introduced her husband and he politely nodded. In our tradition, there's no need for a wife to know their father-in-law's name unless the mother-in-law formally introduces him to her. Some people believe that if a wife knows their father's in-law's name, it means that they have a relationship behind doors.

"It's nice to meet you. My name is Annabelle, but I guess you already know that." I awkwardly introduced myself, since I didn't know what to say. They understood that I was nervous and they politely smiled at me.

Then my husbands greeted their parents, as I noticed they have a good relationship with their mother. Sometimes mothers would ignore their sons in Ravendale or they would abuse them. Elizabeth also greeted her adoptive grandparents and they treated her as their kin.

"Oh, I almost forgot that you must be hungry from the long road. Don't worry, I have already ordered my cooks to prepare something." Charlotte assured us.

We went to the dining room. They had a smaller dining room, but it looked cozy. It reminded me of my home. When we sat down and waited for the dinner, my parents-in-law wanted to get to know me more so they started asking questions.

"We hear that you've studied in Etria. What did you study?" Charlotte asked me.

"Medicine." I gave her a short answer.

" You're a doctor? It's very impressive." Edward commented.

"No, I'm just a physician," I said truthfully, wanting them to not be impressed by me.

"It's still very impressive, I've read an article that with your knowledge you managed to stop the plague from spreading. Even if you are only a physician it still proves that you are capable of doing more. Being credited for being able to stop the plague, will bring a positive light to you and our household. " Charlotte praised me.

Then Charlotte started having a conversation with her sons, about their health and business. Later the dinner was served, and we started eating our dinner. Everyone wanted to enjoy food, so no one had a conversation while everyone ate food.

After our dinner, Charlotte wanted to drink tea with me and Elizabeth. I couldn't decline since it was too early to go to bed. So we went to the parlor to do our 'lady talk'. I don't know where my husbands went, but I presume that they are catching up with their father.

"Elizabeth, do you like your new mother?" Charlotte asked Elizabeth out suddenly. I guess I know what we are going to talk about.

"She is okay," Elizabeth answered. Charlotte seems to be a little unsatisfied as although I considered her answer to be reasonable since I just let her be.

Lady of the Ravendale (Book 1, Ravendale series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now