A New Fifth

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These past few years had stretched on into a time that felt closer to eternity than days on a calendar. After becoming one with Astaroth I slowly began to change. I lost touch with what little bit of humanity I had left. Along with it my sense of life. All along this odd road, amongst its twists and turns, I began to feel numb to all but one. The being I gave my existence to. The damn demon himself. 

Time grows steadily. For most it is a blessing, the quoted light at the end of lifes tunnel. As for myself, time is an ever apparent reminder of who I am. What I am.

The year is now 2018. It is safe to say much has changed over the decades I have lived. Still a young man, to the rest of the world appearing, with what looks like my life ahead of myself. It has been quite a journey to reach this point. Astaroth and I found a way to coexist in a way. One that allows for a modern life and its intimacies, all the while firmly rooted in my heritage. These ancient lessons of a world and age long forgotten.
My days consist of working a minimal wage job as a cashier.

  I met a beautiful person with whom to spend my days and nights with. The aura around him reminds myself of those lives long lost to time. His name is Andrew, and peculiarly enough, he came to believe the tale of my life with little hesitation or doubt. That maybe why even Astaroth enjoys his company. It could also be that he shares a resemblance to the loves that I had.

I've found in this time many are open on who they choose to love. Years prior to now, these would just be skeletons in closets of forlorned lovers. Which might be why even I, as old and set in my ways as I may be, am willing to, as well as went through with, having a man as my partner.


Astaroth and myself became very in tune with more hands on trades, mainly vehicular work. In the spare time I occasionally have, we tend to spend it fixing up the car I own. A 1989 Ford LTD Victoria. "Luxury driving for the common man." Was how it was put to me when I bought the car. I suppose it was the fact that it was an older car. Seemed fitting for a being like myself.

My love Andrew however, has a love hate relationship with the car. They tend to get in disagreements rather  often, the car then likes to abuse him by banging itself against poor Andrew's head or leg while he struggles to get inside of the car. For a car that's almost 30 years of age, it seems only natural for it to have an attitude.

While Andrew openly accepts who and what I am, I do keep my teachings off limits.  Part for protection for him, and part for a bit of solitude for myself. The last thing that I would want is for him to stumble

I follow the lunar changes, as well as the flow of energies in the areas around me. I perform my duties to the gods and goddesses of which I seek guidance from. As well as tend to the needs of Astaroth, for his services never came without price. But, this is something no man, nor woman, should be tossed into unknowingly.

I believe that is why I write this novel. Part record, part warning. A autobiography of a man made catastrophe that spans all recordable time. Again, as who I am now, a young man who tinkers with mechanic work, gets paid minimal to sell product at a convenience store. In this life I am more than ever before, I have more to lose. I have a tiny apartment,  with a pet; a partner who completely loves me and understands my situation. At times it can be easy to forget who I am. So for remembrance sake.....

I do not yet know why I am still here, not why I can recall all my previous lives with such vividness, but one thing is prominent. I am here for a reason. And I will find that reason.

I signed a contract with a demon named Astaroth. Sold half my heart for strength, and with this strength I gained the ability to never die.  Now death is all I want.

But for now,
    My name is Absalom. And these are my stories.

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