Moving- chapter one

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(y/n)'s pov
Today is the day, i'm finally moving to Derry. I don't know if that's something i should be exited about though, i've heard stories about missing kids but my Dad said it's all made up. But then I lost him to that sick clown. Now I have to stay with my mum and twin brother.  The Kaspbrak family.

I put the last box in the taxi and we where off. i put my walkman on and stared to listen to Cyndi Lauper and i stare out the window as we drive closer to Derry. The wind in my hair and the voice of Cyndi Lauper in my ears.
I see a sign saying 'Welcome to Derry'. I see my new school, it was 5:00 AM on a Monday so the streets where dead.

I pull into the house. It has pastel blue walls on the outside and a pastel green door. On the inside of the house there's a photo of a Clown that had a huge head with orange hair and two red stripes of face paint on his eyes, it freaked me out a lot.
My bed room was filled with dolls and pictures of that same clown, it made me feel really uncomfortable to see them staring back at me. I lay down on my bed and fell asleep (i didn't sleep the night before) and i wake up at 3:17 pm, god that was a long ass nap.

I get out of bed and put on a green dress with flowers on it and sit on my porch. A group of boys quickly ride past me on there bikes. I heard Eddie say something about getting aids from a subway poll or some shit like that. One of the boys was kind of chubby and was bleeding a lot, that's my worst fear. I hope he's okay.

(Author's note)

This is my first ever fanfic so tell me how i did. dw this is just the first chapter but i'll wait to publish the second when it's all complete.

hope you have a great day my lovelies 🖤🖤gigi💗💗

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