Rock War -Chapter nine

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As me and Richie start to go home we saw the rest of the losers trying to find us. They were going to help clean Beverly's bathroom after the blood bath that happened the day before.

As we arrive Richie was set the amazing role of being the personal door man again. As I hated blood I decided that I wouldn't help, but I stayed outside with Richie.

'So about yesterday...' Richie said
'You didn't like it?' I said getting paranoid
'No no I loved it!' He said with a smile emerging on his face.
'what are we? cause like i'm cool with being just friends that make out from time to time' he started to panic
'I'm not sure trashmouth, it's your choice' i said and winked.
We all got on our bikes as an angry and disgusted eddie is explaining what happened in that bathroom.
'you know i love being your personal door man really, could you idiots have taken any longer?'
Richie blurted our
'Shut up Richie!' Eddie said with a pissed off tone
'yeah shut up Richie' Stan said
'oh okay trash the trashmouth i get it'.

As we go into town to get some ice cream, we see Belch's car and the home schooled kid, Mike's bike.

Wherever Belch is, Henry Bowers is there to.
'We can't just leave him we need to help!' I said. The rest of the losers look at each other than nod.

We make our way down the hill to the lake. When we get there I see Mike's head being pushed down my Henry and his goons, into a pile of raw meat.

Henry walks up to us and says
'They'll do you, both of them, you just have to ask like I did'

My face goes red after he said that cause I didn't want anyone to know about that. I look back at Richie and he looks pissed.

Ben screams and throws a rock a Henry. As he gets up, Henry grabs some rocks and throws them.

'ROCK WAR!!' Richie screams and then immediately gets hit in the face. I throw the biggest rock i could find. A rock hits my stomach making me even angrier.

Walk up to them and punch Henry in the face, making him fall to the floor. The rest of his goons run away. Beverly and I help mike. We all walk to the field cause Bill has something I show us at his house.
'You guys should've done that, he'll be after you too now' mike said.
'Oh Bowers, he's always after us' Eddie said in a reassuring tone
'I-I guess t-that's something w-we all have in c-common' Billy stuttered
'Yeah homeschool, welcome to the losers club' Richie said. 
I look at him and smile, he looks back and his face goes red.

opposites attract- richie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now