Ugh- Chapter three

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As we leave the shop, the boy with the stutter came up to us and handed us a few dollars. We kindly refuse. We look down the alleyway and see a slight chubby boy bleeding and a boy who had nerdy glasses on his face.

'Glad I got to meet you before you died!' The boy says. I roll my eyes so hard they go all the way back into my soul.
'Oh my god, are you okay? that looks like it hurt' Beverly says
'Oh he f-fell' the tall boy said
'Yeah, right into Henry Bowers' the nerd said.

'Who's Henry Bowers?' I ask.
'No one!' Says the blonde boy.
'We gotta get going now' Beverly said.
'W-wait, we were t-thinking of g-going to the q-quarry' the tallest boy said.

'Yeah I'd like that' I said

'See you around hot stuff' the nerd says. Eddie hits him and whispers 'that's my fucking sister!'

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