The Losers- Chapter two

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I saw a girl that was about my age with long red hair that was tied up in a low ponytail. She was wearing a red shirt tucked into a pair of blue shorts with a brown belt that was tied in a knot at the end. Her eyes were a dark hazel colour, she had a key around her neck. As she walked past me i spoke up and said "Hey uh". She turned around and saw me looking at her. "Um, me?" she said. "Yeah uh i-m new in derry so uh i-i was uh wondering if you could show me around?" i said in stutter. "Yeah, sure"
"Thanks, oh uh my names (Y/N) by the way"
"Hi (Y/N), I'm Beverly but everyone calls me Bev" i smile.

"Oh (y/n), i just need to go into the drugstore to get something" Beverly adds and i agree.

As we walk through the doors of the store, Bev takes me to the the isle for the 'female things' and grabs a box of tampons off the shelf. As she turns to go pay she quickly turns to the other isle to see the same group of boys i saw racing down the road. The first boy i saw was quite short with dark brown hair. Eddie. He was scoping out the shelves putting different bandages and disinfecting stuff in his hands. Another boy had blonde curly hair with a blue polo shirt on. The third boy i saw was the tallest there, he was wearing red plaid shirt. The boys and Bev seemed to know each other. "what's going on?" bev asked. The curly haired boy answers with "none of your business". Eddie told me "There's a boy out there and it looks like someone killed him" he said like he had never seen a girl before. "We need the s-supplies b-but we don't ha-have enough m-money" The boy added. I whispered to boys with a smirk "don't worry i've got this". I take Beverly's hand and drag her to the pharmacist.
I bend over the counter and try to flirt with the pharmacist and... it worked. I look at the boys and they run out and i give Bev a pack of cigarettes.

opposites attract- richie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now