Chapter Six:

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Mi-Chi's POV

I couldn't sleep at all last night. Anger was running through my blood, going through every inch of my body. Seeing that the sun had already broken through the night. I started putting my uniform on, sliding the skirt on, and buttoning up the short-sleeve shirt. I left my hair be, not caring if it was wild looking or not. I need to calm down, I slid on my bracelets and rings. I brushed my teeth than decided to wear makeup, I applied mascara, I winged my eyeliner, applying a little amount of eyeliner under my eye, applying my dark wine lipstick. I stood up sliding my socks on, and my combat boots. I grabbed my backpack shoving my uniform jacket inside, as well as my wallet, keys, and phone. I opened my closet taking out the wooden bat, wrapping my hand around it, I start walking out my apartment, I put the bat between my back and my backpack letting it rest there.

I cracked my knuckles before I started walking to school. Once I arrived, I saw Seung-Hoon standing there as well as Eye Candy besides Byung-Hee. I started walking up the stairs, everyone stared at me as if I was a new student. 

"Mi-Chi?" Seung-Hoon questioned, I look at him.

"Remember what I said yesterday." I turn to the Eye Candy group as they stared with shocked expressions "And you boys stay out of it."

I walked inside the school, seeing the group of boys. Perfect, I quickly pulled one of the students under my arm.

"Who are they, sweets?" I asked pointing to them.

"They are NightWing, they are the schools worst band."

"And where are their instruments?" I asked 

"It's in room 203, that's where they practice." 

"Thanks love," I say smiling, I start walking towards them, shoving myself pass them earning many stares.

"Is that Yang Mi-Chi?" I heard one of the boys' questions

"The school princess?" Another questioned

"It is her, she looks kinda hot. What the hell happened to her?" 

I rolled my eyes walking into the announcement room. Clicking the button, I lean into the microphone.

"Good Morning everyone, this is Yang Mi-Chi with a small announcement. after school, today, can the band Night...what was it again? Aish, NightWing, that's it. Could Nightwing meet me in their practice room? We have some things to discuss. Now, everyone, you have 30 seconds to get to class. Don't be late." I clicked the button again, walking out of the room as everyone stared at me with confusion.

"Get to class, whoever is late will be cleaning the school," I yelled as everyone started running to their classes, I started walking to class. Sliding the door open as everyone stared at my wide eyes.  I saw Kyung-Jong holding his phone up, as he turned his body the phone was directly on me. 

"Kyung-Jong put your phone away," I say walking passed him, I took the bat out setting it on my desk as I set my bag on the hook. Everyone was still staring at me.

"What happened to the school's princess?" A student whispered, the teacher had than quickly took attendance. The day went by quickly, walking in the hallway people only stared and whisper. As it was the end of the day and I was sitting in my last class,  I stood to my feet grabbing the bat off my desk, letting it rest on my shoulder. I heard the classmates stand up as I left the door. As I walked past the classes, students would continue to look out the classroom window into the hallway. I walked up the stairs going to the music rooms. I walked into room 203. I stood near their set up equipment. Shortly the group of boys walked in the room, followed by Eye Candy, Kyung-Jong obviously recording, Seung-Hoon walked in afterward as the rest of the students would push and shove to see what was happening inside the room.

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