Chapter Sixteen:

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Mi-Chi's POV

I felt my body being shaken as I was sound asleep, I didn't really think much of it and tried to ignore it until I heard his voice,

"Mo-Cho, wake up, students are walking in the halls." Him saying that made my eyes open and only be greeted by light.  I groan sitting up as I grabbed my clothes starting to slide them onto my body as Byung-hee was already dressed and standing guard.

Even after last night, he is still calling me Mo-Cho. That's getting really annoying very fast. I slid my shoes on shoving my mask in my jacket pocket. I stand to my feet, seeing the clock on the wall 8:30 am! Student's have been here for the longest and he is now just telling me to wake up! I growl pulling my leggings up a little more.

"Good morning Mo-Cho." Byung-hee says kissing my forehead quickly as I roll my eyes walking out, I go straight to class. 

I slid the door open as everyone stopped and looked at me.

"If you keep looking you'll end up with no eyes when I use your pencil to stab them out your eye socket," I growled which caused everyone flinches but continue to look at me. "What?!"

"Daehyun was looking for you. And wanted you to meet him on the roof." One of the female students say quickly fear shown in her voice

"Who?" I questioned, Daehyun? The only Daehyun I know is from BAP but why would he show up here?

"Daehyun, he was with a group of boys." Seung-hoon says, I quickly walked out the room

"Mi-Chi get back into class!" I heard the teacher yell, I ignored her walking down the hallway which turned into a light jog and then me just running. Skipping two stairs as I rushed up to the roof door. I opened it to be blinded by the sun, but when my eyes adjusted to the light I saw six people standing near the ledge, their back towards me. But automatically he had caught my eye, it was Daehyun after all. I took a few steps forward.

"Daehyun!" I say he wasn't the first person to turn around Him-chan, Jong, Young-jae, Yong-guk, and Zelo were. They stared at me in shock, but he then finally turn around. He smirked at me I froze as my eyes were locked with his, he walked towards me. I couldn't step back, I couldn't move or say anything. He stood in front of me inches from my face, he pushed the hair out of my face twirling my hair around his finger then letting it fall onto my shoulder.

"Still as beautiful as always." He says inches from my face, he rested his hand on my chin lifting my head a little as his thumb smoothly goes across my bottom lip. "Are your lips still as poisonous?" 

My lips were slightly apart, I wanted to say something, I wanted to move away but I couldn't. 

He leaned towards me his lips getting closer to mine, that's when I was finally able to move back but I didn't do it myself I was pulled back. I look behind me seeing Byung-hee with a furious face.

"Who the hell are you?" Byung-hee growled wrapping his arm around my shoulder protectively "I've never seen you guys here."

"That's because we just started today. And I should be asking you that, who do you think you are to get close to my Mi-Chi?" Daehyun growls as the boys stand behind him glaring.

"I'm very close with my Mo-cho and my muse." I growled stepping away from Byung-hee, so he just flirts with me because I am his muse.

"Can you stop calling me Mo-Cho! I've told you many times its Mi-Chi!" I yelled "And I am neither of yours! I'm single and living this shitty ass life!"

I turned my body away from them walking away from those idiots, fuck them, I'm not showing them around town I don't care if they get lost. Byung-hee can suck it! I'm not a property I am a human! I was storming down the stairs, quickly turning the corner only to run into someone. I quickly stepped back bowing not looking at who I ran into,

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