Back From the Dead

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IMPORTANT: This is the sequal to Vampire Vs. Slayer, so if you haven't read that, go read it! Or else, this story will make no sense whatsoever :)


Song: Everlong by Foo Fighters 

~Carly <3

Harry’s POV

It’s been 30 years.

30 years since that night.

30 years since the night Ariana became a vampire.


“Harry?” a soft voice came from behind me.

My neck snapped around so fast I nearly gave myself whiplash.

“Ariana?” I choked out in disbelief.

There she was.

Not dead.

Sitting up and gazing at me with confused and scared eyes.

“You’re okay!” I breathed before pulling her to my chest and hugging her tightly.

“What do you mean? What happened?” she asked. “Where’s Louis? And Niall?”

I pulled back and took in her completely oblivious expression.

She doesn’t remember anything from last night.

“Louis went home; and Niall…….he’s um…he’s dead,” I stammered.

I saw her eyes flood with realization as the memories of the horrific night came back to her.

“That all really happened?” she croaked.

“Yes,” I whispered painfully.

“Then…..that means I’m a……I’m a-”

“You’re a vampire,” I cut her off.

She looked at me in horror and stood up quickly.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“Yes. You were dead until a few minutes ago. But, you’re not a full vampire yet,” I said.

“Why n-not?” she stuttered.

“You have to drink human blood to complete the transition, or you die for good,” I said.

End of flashback……….

After I said that, Ariana had locked me out of the room.

She stayed cooped up in there for two days.

After two days, she emerged and announced that she wanted me to take her hunting.

We got married a week after that.

It was very private, of course, since everyone believed she was dead.

We’ve been living happily in the city of Paris ever since.

Of course, we haven't aged a day.

It’s always been just the two of us.

Until today when everything changed.

I had been drinking tea in the kitchen when she emerged with a determined expression.

“What is it Love?” I asked worriedly.

She took a deep breath and stood her ground.

“I want a baby.”


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Back From the Dead (Sequel to Vampire Vs. Slayer)Where stories live. Discover now