#2.An untold secret

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N/N= nickname
B/N= Bully's Name


Me: "ah! This is so boring!" I exclaimed as I got up from my bed, currently I'm in my dorm right now reminiscing my past about Glynda. The class is gonna start in 9 am but it's still 8:15, nonetheless I went out to take a stroll around the academy. I decided to head first at the music room i want to try the instrument they have, i already know where will be is it after Glynda finish touring me. As i make my way there, i bump into someone after turning left.

??: "ouch!" The person said, i see they are picking the book they incidentally drop, i decided to help them i mean it's my fault too why they dropped it right? "Ah thanks" she said as she look at me, my eyes widen at the sight of the person in my front! A girl with red hair and green eyes wearing a uniform, her hair is tied making it a ponytail.

Me: 'pyrrah!' I yelled in thought, after looking at her suddenly my blood started to boil, my childhood friend who was meant to be my only bestfriend if she didn't betrayed me, standing in my front right now! I feel like i want to slam her head in the wall until she's dead and kept stomping her lifeless body.

Key: holy cow! You sound like a crazy maniac who just got out in the prison because of murder!

Pyrrah: "are you okay hmm?" She asked after standing up.

Me: "Y/N, Y/N L/N" i finished as i gently smiled at her. I suppress my anger just not to beat the hell out of her, it would make my cover blown up if i did that. I gave her the remaining book she dropped causing our hand brushed to each other briefly, her face went red at the sudden contact but I didn't pay attention to it.

Pyrrah: "By the way I'm-"

Me: "Pyrrah Nikos the renounce champion of world class tournament battle am i right?"

Pyrrah: "yeah but how did you know that?"

Me: "fan of yours" i lied.

Pyrrah: "oh i see" she smiled

We stared at each other while her cheek is blushing as I kept hiding my hatred toward her, suddenly a orange hair girl appeared. We didn't notice her presence because of the moment.

??: "pyrrah what kept you long, have you found what you're looking for?" She asked, i know this is my cue to leave without them noticing. Again i make my way to the music room, only this time i didn't bumped into someone i hate.

Pyrrah PoV

Nora: "Pyrrah what kept you long? Have you found what you're looking for?" Nora asked after she suddenly appear, breaking my trance from Y/N, I couldn't do anything but to admire his appearance, those Soft H/C somehow icy E/C, and beautiful Lips. I find them elegantly at the same time mysterious. I looked at Nora to answer her.

Pyrrah: "yeah i already got it. By the way this is-" I'm gonna introduce Nora to Y/N but he already disappeared. "Y/N?"i finished.

Nora: "who's Y/N?"

Pyrrah: "the guy who I'm talking to while ago didn't you saw him?"

Nora: "no nor notice him"

Pyrrah: 'odd' i thought. "Let's go then, the others probably waiting" i stated. Suddenly i remember someone in my past.


10 years old Pyrrah and Y/N

I was talking to my classmate also the one who bully N/N, I have to settle a score with him to stop bullying N/N.

Pyrrah: "B/N stop bullying N/N or I will make you pay" i stated in dangerous tone.

B/N: "ooh scary~ did N/N decided to report me to a tomato headed fool like you" he mocked, this makes me anger. I grab one of his finger as i flip it to broke it. He yelled in pain as a reaction.

Pyrrah: "now would you stop bullying N/N?" I threatened.

B/N: "fine but if you repeat what i'm about to say?" He Grin menacingly. "'Yeah it's kind of funny that he'd believe me hehehe' now repeat it" i narrowed my eyes in confusion.

Pyrrah: "what are you going all about?" He smirked again.

B/N: "oh nothing but if you don't want to obey me then i think i will not stop bullying N/N"

Pyrrah: "or I can break one of your finger again" he frowned at my statement. "But fine 'Yeah it's kind of funny that he'd believe me hehehe'" i said in no emotion.

B/N: "put a emotion on it!"

Pyrrah: "what!? Arh fine" i want this to finish quickly as possible so he can stop bullying
N/N this all for sake of N/N "Yeah it's kind of funny that he'd believe me hehehe" i stated but this time with emotion until i finally realize what is this all about. 'He set me Up!'

B/N: "you just using him to make him gave his toys to you"

??:"Is this true!?" I looked at the voice where it came from, it seemed familiar i hope it's not the person i thought but unfortunately it belonged to N/N.

Pyrra: "N/N? This is not what you think N/N we're just acting! Right! We're just acting! Right B/N?"

B/N: "stop pretending Pyrrah you're just using him"

Pyrrah "NO HE'S LYING! please believe me N/N" *sob*

N/N:"I trusted you. You are not my true friend i thought you were but you're just using me AND THE LINE YOU USED IS KIND OF CHEATER X MALE READER STORIES AFTER THE MALE READER FOUND HIS GIRLFRIEND MAKING OUT OF ANOTHER BOY!" *sob* he cried before he run away, As for B/N he began to laugh hysterically.

B/N: "ahahahahahahaha it worked i never thought it wor-" i glared at him as I grabbed his fingers and began to break it, all of it. he screamed in pain but this time his scream is like there's no tomorrow or more precisely he's gonna die in momment.

Pyrrah: "N/N! No!" That day i just stood there in a few hours crying for what I did.

End of flashBack

Pyrrah: 'why now of all time, I'm remembering N/N i thought i forget him already' i thought as I remembered the appearance of Y/N. Now that i think about it, They seemed resemble each other closely but probably I'm just overreacting for what happened in the past. As we make our way where the others waiting i kept thinking about N/N how i betrayed him, how i betrayed my bestfriend also how i betrayed my first love.

Key: wow i thought i can't do a flashback because I'm TheSlackingOtaku but walllaaaa i did one.

Hecate: congratulations you just overcome of your weaknesses as a reward i will probably give you a naughty action tonight if you know what I mean~

Kaiser: oh like playing league of legends you want a duo?! *filled with start in his eyes*

Hecate: *annoyed* no!

Kaiser: boo!!

Key: *nervous chuckle* see you in the next chapter

Revenge of the Casanova  (RWBY x Male Reader) AU Volume 1.Where stories live. Discover now