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Third Person's PoV

Port: "that's conclude all today, have a nice day and see you tomorrow students.." Port waved while smiling, as he packed his thing before exiting the room. Some of the student's let out sigh of relief, because of His subject has ended finally, they couldn't stand how the professor's telling them his story since his prime, truth to be told they don't really cared a thing about this subject, but it won't means that they will pass. On the other hand, Y/N's seem showed a interest at Port's storytelling, because when Port was occasionally making a joke, only Y/N would laugh every now and then, which gained the other students attention.. After Port's departure, Some of the student suddenly swarmed Y/N's and bombard him with questions, which Y/N's able to give them a feedback.

Boy: "WOW, you actually having fun with Professor Port's story.."

Boy2: "How?"

Boy3: "how your dick is still intact after hearing all of his nonsense story?"

Boy4: "can I give you a blow job?"

All of the students, even Y/N's gave him a weird look and disgust at the same time.

Y/N: "You know, we should respect our teacher even his lecture was boring and timid, because without them we wouldn't reach our dream and goals but aside from that his story was actually pretty amazing.." He answered avoiding the last disgusting question made by one of his classmate. 'Though, i hate how he spend the time by telling his stupid stories, rather than teaching us something to learn..'
The student was amazed from Y/N's statement, how he hold a respect for the teachers and professors..

Girl1: "Are you single?!" Suddenly all the girl peak at interest in Y/N's answer

Y/N: "Well, I'm not currently in relationship right now~" The H/C stated seductively as he wink at the girl who asked him, resulting for her to collapsed in ecstasy.


Random Boy: "let's take her to infirmary!" The crowd began to disperse as they caried the girl's lying unconscious body. The H/C boy began to pack his things after the ordeal.

??: "Wow, i never seen a transfer student become famous suddenly.." Y/N's looked at the direction where the voice came from only to reveal yang with a wide smirk. "Sup, hot stuff~"

Y/N: 'trying to flirt with me huh! Guess I'll play along with you this time' as much he want beat Yang's ass for what she did to him when they were kids, he don't have the courage to do it now because his plan will be jeopardize. "Hey there, Hottie~" He flirted back. Y/N's gained the knowledge of how to deal a girl like yang when he read a certain book titled 'How to hook up with a bimbo' so dealing a girl like yang won't give a big deal for him.

Yang: "I'm Yang Xiao long by the way. So do you have plan after this?"

Y/N: "Why do you ask?"

Yang: "well, my friends want to meet you so we can hang out together.." Y/N's grow tick mark in his forehead, annoyed at the fact that rather they come to him to meet him, they order him to meet them..

Y/N: 'guess some things never change!' He looked at his watch in his right wrist before answering yang "my apology, but it seems i don't have time to meet them."

Yang: "no, no in fact i should be the one who should apologize to you, sorry for disturbing your time.." She stated with a hint of sadness in her voice as she looked at the ground. Unbeknownst to her, Y/N was smirking at the sight of Yang's. Yang looked at Y/N as his expression turned to normal when Yang lifted up her face. "Well that's a shame, but i guess it can't be helped" she turned away preparing to leave but suddenly someone grab her wrist. She looked at Y/N's hand before facing him with a blush because of the contact.

Y/N: "guess what? Since you're a beautiful's hot girl, maybe we can hang out tonight. Just YOU and ME." Y/N's whispered the last part to her ear which shivered Yang to her spine. Yang's demeanor turned fluster to shocked, thinking that a hot man like Y/N's invited him to a date. At least that's what she thought.

Yang: "well i love to hottie~"she flirted after regaining her personality.

Y/N: "By the way here's my scroll number just incase what time we will meet." He handed his scroll number to Yang as she save the number before returning the scroll to

Yang: "see ya later, handsome~" she said as she kissed Y/N's cheek. Y/N's showed his sweet smile to yang, which give a more heartbeat to yang. Yang's run away from the scene with a sign of pinkish from her both side of cheek. As Y/N watch the leaving figure of yang, his smile turn to an annoyed expression. He grab his handkerchief as he wipe the part of his cheek where did yang kiss him.

Y/N: "what a NUISANCE.."

Revenge of the Casanova  (RWBY x Male Reader) AU Volume 1.Where stories live. Discover now