Part 3

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The next day you woke up and went to school begrudgingly.

You had gotten home but your roommate hasn't been around and you didn't see her at all that night.

You had watched netflix until 2am regrettably and had to wake up at 6.

So you had four hours of sleep.


You got to the school hallway and everyone was talking and laughing loudly with their friends. You headed straight to your locker unnoticed.

You tried the lock once and it didn't budge.

You tried again.

Still didn't budge.

And again.

What the hell?!

"Ugh," you groaned, hitting your hand against your locker.

"Need help?" came a voice from beside you and you turned to see a tall girl with brown hair.

She had a kind face and was naturally pretty. You could tell she wasn't popular though- she dressed normally and didn't seem like that group.

"Uh, sure," you replied.

You stepped aside, "30-36-10."

She nodded and tried it and the lock worked right away. She pulled it off and handed it to you.

"Thank you so much," you said.

"The names Lindsey," she said, holding out her hand.

"I'm (y/n)," you replied.

"Cool well i'm pretty sure i noticed we had the same first period cuz i saw you yesterday, let's get going."

You walked to class with Lindsey and she was honestly very funny and kind.

Someone you could picture yourself being friends with.

School flew by and you sat by her at lunch- you began to feel more guilty the longer time you spent with weren't really who you said you were. Well everything except the part where you were actually in college and 21 years old.

Finally, it was time for history.

She wasn't in the same class as you and you parted ways. The bell rang as you were still walking to class and you gasped.

You were late.


You ran all the way to the class and ended up being about 30 seconds late as you sprinted through the door and sped walked to the front of the room.

You sat in the same seat front and center and hoped that Mr. Stan hadn't noticed because he was looking at his computer.

"(y/n). two days in a row. see me after class," he said, looking up at you with an intense gaze that made you want to hide.

You could feel heat rising to your face and you knew that you were bright red.


"Anyway, let's begin class, shall we?"


"Two days in a row. This is unacceptable behavior. If you read the syllabus at all, it specifically specified that you should always be on time. I do not tolerate tardies. One more time and that's detention. Please don't let it come to that. You're dismissed."

You rushed out of the classroom as fast as you could and there were still actually plenty of people in the hallways. You got to your locker only to see Lindsey leaned up against it on her phone.

She looked up when you approached, "Hey, you wanna go to a party tonight?"

"It's a Tuesday," you replied.

"And..?" Lindsey replied, raising an eyebrow.

"When and where and how am i invited?" you asked.

"I may not be popular but i have my ways of getting invited to these things and honestly nobody cares who shows up anyway. I'll text..." she paused, "Oh wait i don't even have your number. Give."

She held out her phone and you added yourself as a contact and she texted you and your phone dinged and you added her.

"Well i gotta go. I'll seeya later," Lindsey said and you said bye before she walked away.


You were wearing a cute dress that was perfect for parties and you showed up at the address Lindsey had texted you. You had arrived at the same time so you could walk in together. You could hear the music as you got closer and you opened up the front door and walked in.

There were tons of people everywhere- you had no idea how or if you would even find Lindsey again if you two separated. You went over to the drinks area and there were kegs and alcoholic beverages everywhere. You were the only person there that could legally drink it and you grabbed a red cup and got yourself some.

Lindsey got a drink too and then she said she had to go pee. She walked away, leaving you feeling alone even though you were surrounded by a mass of people. All that you weren't familiar had felt like a while and you were worried Lindsey wasn't coming back when all of a sudden someone came into view that took your mind off Lindsey right away.

This dude was tall with brown curlyish hair and beautiful blue eyes.


He was extremely attractive and WAS WALKING RIGHT TOWARDS YOU.

"Hi," he said- he had a beautiful accent, "I'm Tom."

836 words

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