Part 5

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His lips crashed into yours and he kissed you hard, his hands grabbing your waist and pulling your body right against his. You made out in the hallway for a while until it got late.

You had been dropped off by an uber so you had thankfully not brought your car, thankfully because you felt way too dunk to dive.

Drunk to dive.

Drunk to drive.

Tom called an uber and the two of you left the party, stumbling out to the uber and hopping inside.

As you sat next to him he could barely keep his hands off of you. Your thoughts were so muggy that you could barely slur out your address when the uber driver asked. It was a long drive because you were still staying in your dorm, and you felt bad for tom who would have to drive home after on top of that. But you didn't have enough common sense right now to even wonder if Toms parents were worried about him.

As you began to get closer, you turned to Tom to give him a goodbye kiss, which turned into the two of you making out until finally the uber stopped.

You had gotten to your building so you stumbled out of it and eventually got to your dorm room after a long effort. You had no idea what time it was but you went straight to your bed and flopped onto it, passing out almost immediately....


You got to school, still feeling awful. You had woken up with a splitting headache, having vague memories of last night. You had met someone named Tom and the two of you had made out a lot, but then you remembered...LINDSEY. You went straight to your locker begrudgingly and she was standing there waiting.

She raised her eyebrows at you, her hands on her hips, "You didn't think to say goodbye before leaving? I was worried!!"

You blinked hard and managed to say back, "Sorry...I was occupied..."

"Wait- are you hungover?" Lindsey asked, sliding to the side so you could do your locker.

"Yes," you croaked.

"What do you remember from last night?" she asked.

"I met this guy..." you started.

"Ooohhh," Lindsey interrupted.

"...we made out...a lot..." you finished.

"Ooh look at youuuu," Lindsey said, giving you a nudge.

You finished at your locker without saying anything else and the two of you walked to class.


You were feeling so dead. You had almost been late to every single one of your classes so far today. And then it was time for history and it was as if time was less than you thought and you literally arrived to class SECONDS after the bell rang, to which Mr. Stan looked up and gestured for you to come.

The rest of the class was just talking and chattering and you slowly made your way up to him, setting your backpack at your desk in the front and center (AGAIN) on the way. You got up to the front and stood at his desk.

"You know the policy. That's your third tardy therefore you have detention after school today," he said firmly.

You stared at him sort of blankly and blinked hard before mustering a nod- your head was KILLING you and this room was way too bright. You wished that the lights were just off...

"Wait are you hungover?" Mr. Stan suddenly asked, eyeing you suspiciously.

"That's none of your concern," you croaked, and he gave you one last judgmental look before you turned around and made your way back to your seat.

"Hey (y/n)!" you suddenly heard a voice from across the room and your head flashed back to see TOM in this class.

Last night flashed through your mind and you awkwardly waved at him, your face heating up, before turning back around.


The bell rang and everyone packed up and began leaving.

You packed up slowly, staying in the classroom, your heart thudding in your chest.

"(y/n), aren't you coming?" Tom asked, suddenly appearing right in front of you.

How was he so cheery right now??

He didn't even look hung over...

"She has to stay for detention," Mr. Stan said sternly, and tom turned to meet Mr. Stan's hard gaze.

Tom just nodded before saying, "i'll see you later, (y/n)."

You turned to watch Tom leave the classroom before anxiously looking back at Mr. Stan.

"(y/n), why were you out getting drunk on a school night?" Mr. Stan asked you all of a sudden.

"And where's your evidence of that?" you asked.

"You're obviously hung over," Mr. Stan replied.

"You'd be the one to notice," you muttered.

"What was that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"And this is your business because...?" you asked.

"I'm your teacher," he replied.

"Yes but you're not my parent...can we just get started already?" you begged, and he finally nodded and dropped the subject.

And then he was walking through the room right to the door.

He shut it and you didn't know why but it made you feel antsy inside...

852 words

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