Part 2

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You locked eyes with the teacher and it was as if your heart stopped. Your face was bright red and you clenched your hands as you awkwardly stood there with all eyes on you.

After what felt like an eternity but was only probably 5 seconds, the teacher spoke up, "You're late. And is that a new face, because i do not recognize you."

He was looking you up and down- but not in a very teacherly away.

His eyes were taking their time as he scanned your body and it made you feel antsy inside.

Was he checking you out?!

You found your voice, "I'm new."

"Well, okay, since you're new...why don't you come to the front of the classroom and introduce yourself? Im Mr. Stan, by the way," he said.

"I don't believe that's necessary-" you began to say, but he interrupted, "Come. And there's also already an open spot right in the front and center anyway."

Of course there was an open spot. Nobody liked to be in the front. You slowly moved your feet and made your way to the front, all eyes still watching you.

When you got there, you realized you had no idea what to say. "Hi. I'm (y/n)," was what you managed to get out.

"And?" Mr. Stan prompted.

"And i'm a senior," you continued.

"And?" he prompted again.

"And id like to sit down now," you said and left the front and sat down in the front and center seat.

There was a few murmurs and giggles and Mr. Stan raised an eyebrow at you.

"Well for future reference, three times late and that gets you an after school detention in my room. Don't be late again," he said sternly while staring right at you.

You nodded and then finally the attention was off with you and he resumed class...but you couldn't help feel a pit in your stomach. This was definitely going to be one of the more interesting classes of your day...


Class was soon over and the bell rang and everyone sprung to action.

You were gathering up your belongings when suddenly Mr. Stan said, "(y/n)? can i see you for a moment?"

You looked up and nodded before gathering your belongings and heading to the front of the room where he was sitting at his desk. You stood in front of his desk but he didn't look up at you until the whole class had cleared out and then his beautiful blue eyes met yours.

And you couldn't help but feel your cheeks start to heat up.

"(y/n)...are we going to have any problems this semester?" he asked, narrowing his eyebrows.

You swallowed hard, "What do you mean?"

"I mean you're a beautiful girl and damn i just want to throw you on my desk and make out with you."


"Wait what?!" you asked, blinking hard.

"I said that you were late on your first day so that doesn't give me a good first impression of you," he replied.

You sighed. "I was only late because i couldn't find your classroom BECAUSE i'm new so excuse me if me not being familiar with this place gives you a bad first impression," you snapped back.

He looked shocked at your words and raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"

As if he was trying to get you to apologize?!

No sir.

You just stared at him intently, not wavering.

"That's no way to talk to your teacher, young lady," Mr. Stan said sternly.

"I'm just explaining myself, Mr. Stan," you replied.

"I believe I was right to think that you might be a problem this year. You have shown me complete disrespect in these past few minutes and i will have nothing of it," he said.

You looked to the floor, suddenly wanting to curl up into a ball and hide, "I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I'm sorry for misjudging you at first- you were right to stand up for yourself. But please lose the disrespectful tone when talking with me. I am your teacher," he said, and began to stand up, "I'll show you out now."

"I can show myself out-" you began, but he was already walking towards the door.

You followed him and he held the door open as he placed his other hand on your back as you walked out.

"Goodbye, (y/n). Enjoy your evening," he said.

"Bye," was all you said back.

And then you were walking down the hallway that had already emptied.

You realized you were going the wrong way and turned around only to see Mr. Stan watching you.

But just as fast as you noticed, the door was closing and you continued on the right way.

Maybe he was right.

Maybe you would be a problem this semester.

It just wouldn't be because of a "bad first impression."

815 words

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