My Photographer's Confession

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Eren's pov
Hi, I'm eren Jaeger. I'm 15 years old and I've been away from my family since I was 12. I moved in 3 years ago in Paris, it was a pretty nice place I've got a job as a model and a new roommate or should I say a new friend, we've been helping each other since the day I first moved here, I'd never imagined having a friend like him, I'm sure you don't really know his name yet but his name is--


I shouted as my hand waves while running to his direction. He turns to me with a beautiful swing, I stopped at his front then looked at him

"your late" he said

"yeah yeah I know im really sorry I overslept" I replied, panting heavily he pats my back then held me up "well since your 3 minutes late I guess you may now follow me" he said as he walks. I followed him from behind as I rubbed the back of my neck

=while walking=
"so Levi how was your day?" I asked trying to break the awkwardness, he looks at me then said "it's fine, I guess someone brought me flowers from the mailbox yesterday saying: I love you please go out with me :by your secret admirer" he answered as we kept walking distantly. "oh I-I see..." I replied looking around "are we almost there?" I asked quite tired, "don't worry we're almost there so don't get worked up yet" he said as we passed by an entrance decorated with roses. I gasp as I looked around the place


I never thought as a model that you can go to beautiful places like these, as I admire the details or decorations in the building Levi suddenly said "were here now eren hurry up. The others might be worried" I nodded then followed him inside, as I walked in I noticed the beautiful room then looked around, "woow~~ this is really nice" I said as sparkling stars lit up my eyes, levi poked me wrapping his arm around my shoulder

"this is eren. Eren these are my friends and are the ones that set up your pictures and magazines. Please meet, Jean, Mikasa, And armin" he said

I shook they're hands then introduced myself specifically, "it's nice to finally meet you eren, I've been seeing or hearing news about you. Even when it's coming from Levi" armin said, I looked at him as he glared at me with a simple smile, I blushed then covered my mouth what was that just now? I thought to myself, "yeah and Levi always talks about you even when he's drunk or at a party, we kind of get a little suspicious that he likes you" Jean said. I feel my cheeks burn when the moment he said that, does he really like me though? I mean I'm a man but why do I get very blushy when it come to these things? I thought to myself.

"OI! EREN YOUR UP!" Levi shouted

"y-yes!" I said, then walked to the front of the cameras, the director or manager was already there checking if my position is OK. "um....I'm not trying to judge but can you please remove your shirt?" the director asked as he rubs his chin, "ugh..uhm" I mumbled,  I looked to Levi then he realized I was really uncomfortable since it's my first time exposing my body, he speaks to the director then explains. The director nodded then said "alright eren forget what I said and just keep your clothes on and let's begin the shooting" he walks to the back then gave everybody a signal

I smiled at Levi then gave him a sign of thank you.

He gave me a thumbs up then went in  front of me, "now stay still eren and do a random pose" he said as he aligned the camera at me. I nodded then gave it my all

Minutes have passed and it's already 7:00 p.m, "alright everyone thanks for your time we'll continue this another day please come early this time, even you eren" the director said, the manager who is named erwin glared at me and gave me smile. I packed my stuff then walked out the door seeing Levi waiting for me, he smirks at my appearance as I walked towards him, "you ready?" he asks, I nodded then we both walked outside to Levi's car.

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