FujoshiGirl²³'s Note

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Hello there. I'm the author

*ahem* obviously

So I was wondering if you like to give me suggestions cuz I'm almost running out of ideas, yes this is a lemon so theirs alot of yu know...

BY the way I'm not here to talk a but that now. So I was updating awhile ago and it's almost done so I wish my story or OneShots must reached lots of reads because I'm trying to be like my friends to reach lots of reads if you want to read their story I'll leave their profile here hope you enjoy them


>>Leileikawaiimomo oh wait she changed her name into something called "Strawburry maybe yeah not strawberry OK?"

Anyway like I said suggestions are open, did you read my other OneShots, well what do you think I put alot of effort on it but sorry for errors though, or wrong grammars I'm a tagalog speaker so I'm into tagalog more than English hope you understand. But English is my main target so I can be better and join journalism contests

Well OK, so theirs also a Q & A I don't know when but maybe if it reaches thousands of reads because theirs no questions yet WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO ANSWER WITH 0 QUESTIONS?!?! but yes, I'll do more OneShots everyday maybe? Not sure but I'm am ereri or Riren lover it's my top OTP so if it's also your OTP please tell me and I'll publish more OneShots even though I have less reads sorry for all your waste of time reading this and if your doing something do it first before reading my authors note

That's all for today, oh yeah one more thing. I'll be adding Shout outs so stay tuned

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