Married And Divorced I

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♥ This has a part II btw ♥
Eren's pov

The birds are chirping the sun is shining and the smell of lavender with a mix of roses spreading through the room,

OH wait.

I just remembered Levi sprayed awhile ago, I smiled to myself and finished cooking breakfast. If you should know me and Levi are married I'm 5 months pregnant and I never told Levi, it's a surprise. It's been 6 half years since, I'm still happy he is the one who got me out of my depression I've got alot of scars back then but Levi cured it, it's funny cause I still remembered he used to kiss my wounds whenever I need it.

I walked to the hall and got in my car, I placed Levi's lunch on the side and started the engine, I held onto the rubbers and drive away while listening to me and Levi's favorite song called

'shape of you' by Ed sheeran


I arrived at Levi's workplace and start to got out of my car, after that I grabbed his lunch and fixed my clothes brushing the dusts away, "can't wait to see Levi" I said to myself

Or was I wrong.

I walked to the counter and asked where Levi is "he's with his assistant in his office I think he said something about discussing a project" she said, I nodded and thanked the woman who has thick makeup. So cringy if I would say.

I walked to the elevator and waited, it was just me inside and no one else the elevator 'pinged' and starts to open the doors I walked out and saw Levi's office and saw a woman who which I recall his assistant?, I peeked a little before knocking but I was ignored when I finally heard voices I assumed they are moans?

I peeked through and saw as I burst in tears Levi with his fucking assistant fucking in front of my eyes, it's all coming back to me. I knocked on the door once more and finally Levi said "be right there just give me a minute" I waited angrily until he opened the door "oh hey honey whats--"

"I want to go home let's go home" I said as I pulled his arm and glared at his assistant, "hey I wasn't done with a project what's wrong?" he asked we stopped and faced him "I brought you lunch so please eat it at home" I said "ere--" "please?.....for me?" I begged tearing up "eren are you okay?" he asked worriedly, I gave a fake smile and pushed him in the car "eren if you have something to talk about let's...." he said I stayed silent for the rest of the drive.

--At Home--

I stomped going inside the house as I placed his lunch on the table, "eren....whats really wrong please tell me" he said "levi........finish your food and we'll talk" I said keeping the Baby's picture on my pocket,

--minutes later--

Levi finished eating, as he smiled at me he placed the container on the sink and sat down beside me wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "so what're we going to talk about?" levi asked, I let out a sigh I slide a divorced slip on the table, I've kept this divorce slip ever since we got married incase I mean do you think after he let me out of my depression I'll never have it back again?

Levi's eyes widened as he looked back at me " promised..." he said "I know what I said and promised Levi but aren't I enough?" I asked smiling "it's better this way I'm tired and would likely stay at my sister's place, don't worry I can take care of myself even without a fath-- I mean a husband" I said right back at his stupid ass face.

Your so fucked up Levi.

I stood up as I grabbed my stuff "I'll be going now--" I was cut off by Levi grabbing my hand "eren please don't go.....I don't know what I've done but please...." he begged "understand it Levi I know it's the other way around" I said as I slapped my hand away and walked to my car

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