Nothing Lasts Forever

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Yesterday, the sky was ordinary blue
Now it's burning red with a dark pink hue
Coz yesterday, this girl had no clue
That today I will be falling for you

Yesterday, the road was dull plain gray
I hear your voice chase that dullness away
You say my name and I look at you
Today you told me that you love me too

Nothing is forever and we do not know
Just how far will our hearts be willing to go
But today the stars shine and everything's right
Snuggle in your jacket as you kiss me good night

Nothing is forever and we never know
Just how things will go for us down the road
You bring me those flowers and everything's right
As we cry and laugh over the very first fight

Nothing is forever and seeing me cry
In your gentle voice you're asking me why
And I say "I dread the day you walk out the door"
"Coz with every single day I'm liking you more"

"Seconds turn to minutes and time flies fast"
"I know what we have is too good to last"
"And every single breath of the air that is you"
"Is every single second of falling for you"

And wiping my tears you say with a smile
"Please don't worry, there's no reason to cry"
"Nothing is forever, I know that is true"
"But today you are here and I am with you"

"Seconds turn to minutes and time flies fast"
"And I don't know how long it's going to last"
"But I'm holding your hand and I'll never let go"
"And I'll never leave until you tell me so"

"Tomorrow the sea might turn into sand"
"And this place where we live will be foreign land"
"Tomorrow the stars might fall from the sky"
"And this truth that we share might one day be lie"

"But I'll always look back and I'll never forget"
"These days that we shared I'll never regret"
"And if one day you're stranded in that foreign land"
"Know I've written your name in the palm of my hand"

"Coz yesterday, the sky was ordinary blue"
"Now the sky that I see is a picture of you"
"Coz yesterday, this boy had no clue"
"Way before yesterday, I've fallen for you".

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