Chapter 9

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( Sorry it took so long I've been with my friend I know it's no an excuse but yeah just saying the next few chapters will be Allison getting over her depression and how kian never gives up on her most of these chapters will be Kian's POV just because Allison's feelings are all over the place and it would be harder for me so ya)


She sitting on my bed starting at the wall. No expression in her face. She's been like that for 3 hours now. I hand her a cup of water.

"Allison drink the water." I've been trying all day but she doesn't want to.

She turns her head away from the water.

I put the glass of water in her direction. "Allison please drink some water" I beg

She gives me the most deceiving look that brings me chills and snatches the water out of my hand. She chugs down the water and throws the glass to the floor causing it to break in a million pieces.

"ALLISON!" I scream but then stop myself remembering what the doctor told me.

I move towards the bed and sit right in front of her. Her face shows tons of emotions. She looks scared yet mad with a whole lot of sadness.

"Talk to me." I tell her

"Ok" She says her first word in days

"I almost died." She says her voice breaking.

"I know but it's okay." "Scratch that it's not okay but you should be grateful you didn't die."

"Your right." She says

I smile and then her phone rings.

"I'll get it." I offer

I pick up the phone

Hello? Allison?

Umm no this is kian her boyfriend

Oh well this is Samantha. Her mother. Now may I speak to Allison?

Um ya of course.

"It's for you" I say

"Who is it?"she asks

"Umm your mother." Her eyes shoot open.

~I know it's short but it's better than nothing I'll update soon. Promise. And I'll do double updates when my friend leaves.

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