Chapter 2

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"What the hell was that?" Adri asks

"I...I don't know" I stutter

I'm not lying though the kiss surprised me. I was least expecting him to kiss me back. It's weird because I felt something during that kiss either than how nervous I was.

"So did you have fun making out with your dream boy?" Steph teases

"We are so uploading this to facebook!" Leyla declares

I ignore that trying to figure out what just happened.


Did that just happen? I ask myself. It would've been weird if she just kissed me but I kissed her back! Why? Why did she run off? So many questions run through my mind as I try to understand what the hell just happened. Not only did I kiss a stranger I also felt something there. I don't know if it's love but it's definitely not weirdness or something it felt great and as weird as it is I want to kiss her again...but she's a fan how am I supposed to find her. I remember her friends calling her ally. Maybe her name is Alexandra or something. How can I find out what that kiss meant. Wait they'll probably post it on Facebook and they'll probably tag me thinking I won't see it but I'll see who comments and look for anyone with the possible nickname of ally. I check my phone and to my surprise it already got posted. Damn those girls are fast. I check the people she tagged: Leyla Roberts, me, steph dorner, Lexie Orlen, Allison peters...BINGO!


"Posted it!" Adri says "I even tagged kian" she looks at me.

"It doesn't matter, he doesn't look through his things" I know he does but I don't want to tell them and even if he does see it he'll never message me. He's embarrassed and probably wants to erase that from his mind unlike me who wants to cherish that memory forever. I'm still processing the event. I wish I stayed I want to know what he thought of this. All of a sudden I hear a sound coming from my phone. A message from Facebook sent by....kkkian. It's say "hey ur the girl from the video right?" It's nice of him to use "from the video" instead of "girl who kissed me." I keep my excitement hidden. I don't want my friends know...not just yet.

"Who texted you?"Adri asks

"Um just a friend of mine" I lie

I reply To him

*hi, yeah that's me look I'm sorry if I did something.*

*its ok, I just wanted to meet you in person, like at a park or something or do you live in another state?*

*ya sure we can meet and no I live in California just like you.*

He tells me a park that he goes to all the time and it's conveniently near my house. I can't believe I live near the o2l house. We're meeting each other tomorrow at 4.

~ ~ ~ ~

It's 2:30 and I'm still not ready. I finished my shower and now my hairs all wet I blow dry it's as fast as I can. I make loose curls with my curling iron and get dressed. I decide to wear a high waisted skirt with one of those "shirts" that you would never wear without the skirt because it's very revealing but with the skirt it looks fine. It's 3:45 by the time I'm ready. Adri questions me before I leave but I dodge her questions as much as I can. I finally get to the park. Right on time. Kian's there waiting in his shirt that says swag that he's already worn in multiple o2l and main channel videos. He's also wearing jeans and his hair is placed perfectly on his head. He's so fucking sexy I think to myself. He walks over to me.

"Hey, you um" he flushes "look really uh really pretty"

I can't hide my smile. He notices my smile and replies with one.

"Thank you" is all I manage to say

" so um well about last night well if your wondering why I kissed you back it was because with just the small kiss, I felt something, it was weird and foreign but I felt it and wanted more...that makes no sense."

"Yes it does because well I felt it too." That's why I didn't push you off and was secretly hoping that kiss would last a lifetime."

He looks like pounds of relief have been weighed off his shoulders.

"Now if you excuse me I would like to get to know the girl who took my heart in her hands with a kiss."

He's so good with words. He admitted that pretty quickly but I don't care all I can feel are the butterflies in my stomach as my heart flutters at his sweet words.

We spend the afternoon getting to know each other better. 6 o'clock rolls around and I'm getting really hungry.

"You hungry?" He asks answering my thoughts.

"Ya sorta." I respond

He smiles "alright I'll take you somewhere to eat. Does pizza sound good?"

I nod and we walk to a nearby pizza store. He pays for my pizza,what a gentleman. We talk some more and he walks me home.

"I had a great time" I tell him

"Me too we should do this again"

"Yeah that'd be great" I reply while taking off his jacket as it got chilly at night.

" I know this might be early but..."

I cut him off by kissing him. I knew that's what he meant and honestly I miss that feeling I got when I kissed him last time. I still got it this time which was great. It's funny how my mouth is so used to his. Our kiss is amazing and I never want it to end but if course it does.

"Umm I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?" He asks "unless you don't uh want to that's totally fine too"

"Of course I do! I'll be glad to be your girlfriend."

He flushes "I know it's a little early but your different Allison from the other girls I dated."

"Ya but honestly your different than any other boyfriend I've ever had"

He smiles and so do I.

"Like for one my past boyfriends were never internationally famous you tubers!" He chuckles and we kiss one more time before going back into my house.

(I know it's not incredibly long but ill be posting like 3 a day except when I go on vacation which is coming up but anyways plz excuse my mistakes!!)

Our secret kiss•kian lawleyWhere stories live. Discover now