Part 1

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Eduardo woke up as he saw the bright sun shining. Eduardo groaned and rolled over to face the other side of the room where the sun couldn't shine on his face. Eduardo reached for his phone on the night stand. He tried to turn on his phone but it wasn't working for some reason. It was dead. He looked to see if he could find his charger but it wasn't there. He groaned and got up and out of bed. He placed his phone back onto his night stand and opened his door and walked towards the living room. "Who the hell took my phone charger." He said. He only saw Mark sitting on the couch while reading a book. "I have no idea Eduardo."Mark said back with a calm voice. "wheres Jon?" Eduardo asked. " I believe he's still sleeping." Mark said. Eduardo walked towards Jon's bedroom door. Once he reached the door, he put his hand onto the handle of the door and tried to open the door. It was locked. "JON OPEN THE DOOR!" Eduardo yelled at he banged on the door. He heard a thud from inside of the room like something fell. "JON! OPEN THE DOOR I KNOW YOUR IN THERE!" Eduardo again yelled. Eduardo heard complete silence. Eduardo waited a few more minutes. Jon thought he was gone and had a sigh of relief. Suddenly Jon heard a bang on the door and just like that the door was on the ground and Eduardo was in Jon's room. Eduardo looked around the room and found his charger on Jon's desk. Eduardo pick up his charger and looked at Jon. Jon was trembling with fear. His legs where shaky and had tears in his eyes. Jon quickly fell to the floor as he put his head on the ground and bowed to Eduardo. "Im s-so s-sorry my c-charger broke...I..i.Imsorryeduardoididntmeantoplease." Jon said with a shaky voice. "Get up." Eduardo said. Jon immediately stood up. "Never take anything thats mine. I swear I will kill you." Eduardo said to Jon. Eduardo left the room with his phone charger. Jon was terrified. He was paralyzed with fear. He couldn't move. Tears fell down Jon's cheeks as he slowly walked towards his closet. Jon opened his closet and walked into it. He closed the closet door and sat on the floor. Jon cried quietly. Jon was remembering all the things that Eduardo said to him. Useless. Dumb. Nothing. Ugly. Stupid. Idiot. Worthless.

Eduardo was in the kitchen making some grilled cheese. He finished making two sandwiches and place them on plates. He placed them onto the table. "Mark come eat I made lunch." Mark heard Eduardo and walked towards the table. Mark sat down and saw that only the two of them had food. "Where's Jon's food?" Mark questioned Eduardo. "That idiot can starve." Eduardo said not caring about Jon, Eduardo then took a bite out of his grilled cheese. "Eduardo you have to stop being so hard on Jon. You taking it too far." Mark said while getting out of his seat. Eduardo was eating his food ignoring what Mark had just said to him. Mark sighed and grabbed his plate of food and walked towards Jon's bedroom. Mark seen the door was broken. "Jon?" Mark asked to the empty room. He place the food onto Jon's desk. The blonde haired man was about to leave the room but heard sniffling coming from the closet. Mark walked towards the closet door and grabbed the handle. He slowly turned the handle and opened the door gently. Mark fully opened the door and saw Jon. Jon was curled up into a ball, Jon hugging his legs. Jon's tears were flowing down his cheeks. Jon looked up to Mark. "Jon? What did Eduardo do to you?" Mark asked the crying innocent boy. Mark sat next to Jon. "H-he says s-so m-many things...I am w-worthless." Jon said with a shaky voice. "No..your not worthless Jon. You are the best person ever. Im gonna have a talk with Eduardo stay here." Mark said to Jon. Jon felt better now that Mark had said something to him. Jon wiped his tears and smiled at Mark. Mark smiled back and got up. "There's some food on your desk. " Mark said to Jon. Jon nodded to Mark. Mark then walked out of Jon's room and walked towards the kitchen to have a talk with Eduardo. Mark made it to the kitchen and saw Eduardo washing his plate. "Eduardo we need to talk about your behaviour." Mark said. "I'm listening." Eduardo said calm while drying off his plate. "You need to stop being so hard on Jon. Your ruining his self-esteam and his confidence." Mark said. Eduardo put his plate away and turned around to look at Mark. "Why should I. He's a piece of shit. He's Worthless. Why do we even have him for a roommate." Eduardo said in a hateful tone. Mark sighed. "Listen. I need to go to Hawaii for a business trip. They need a therapist only for a week until their therapist gets better. So please don't be so rough on Jon while Im gone." Mark said to Eduardo. Eduardo groaned. "Ugh. Fine. I won't be that cruel." Eduardo said. "When are you leaving anyways?" Eduardo asked. "Tomorrow. They really need the therapist." Mark said to Eduardo. Eduardo gave a simple nod and then walked to his room.

(Hope you liked this first part :D)

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