Part 5

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(Sorry that I took so long. I procrastinate a lot. Anyways hope you enjoy! :D)

Jon's eyes opened up to se the bright, blinding light in his face, he groaned. The sweet male then felt around the bed, searching, hoping that someone would be beside him. Nothing.  The light brunette then sighed deeply, Jon thought it had happened, but sadly it didn't.  The small male  then proceeded to sit up from the bed and grabbed a hold of the cold crutches that were right next to his night stand. He then limped his way over to the bathroom with a towel in his hand. He started up the shower. Sitting on the toilet, then bagging his casted up leg, so it would be protected from the water. Jon carefully moved into the shower and grabbed on a helpful handle from the side to  keep his balance.  Once he was inside the shower, he  grabbed the shampoo bottle, squeezing out the cold liquid from the almost empty bottle, after scrubbing the fluid onto his hair, he put his head underneath the warm, soothing water, as he rinsed it all out. Jon began humming  a sweet little tune while he washed his body. Then starting to let his full voice sing, letting himself get lost within his very own voice. Eduardo was paying attention to the eggs on the frying pan, trying to not let the eggs get burnt, he then heard a voice, the angelic voice pulled his attraction away from the stove and into the hall way. As the dark haired male  crept closer towards the bathroom door, the angelic like voice was getting louder and louder, each step he took. The tall male was right next to the door, pressing his ear right against the wooden barrier, his eyes closed. The voice soothed him, making Eduardo feel something he rarely felt. Eduardo was lost in his thoughts trying to find the right word to describe his emotion. The sweet male's voice turned back into humming once Jon had switched off the shower.  The small male attempted to reach for the towel, suddenly his hand that was holding him, slipped away. Quickly the male grabbed onto the nearest thing, A glass container, filled with Eduardo's comb, hair spray and deodorant. Once he fell onto the ground, the glass container did as well. The glass scattered all over the bathroom floor, Jon groaned in deep pain. The glass that had fell with him, had lodges some glass shards into his shoulder, stomach and neck. The blood began to spill onto the cold, hard, tiled floor. 

Eduardo heard a loud thud inside of the bathroom, he immediately placed his hand onto the handle of the door, shaking it violently, trying to get it open. "Dammit." The tall male grunted out in frustration. "Jon!" Eduardo exclaimed. Eduardo rushed back towards the kitchen, looking around for something that could get the door open. The tall male realized the burning eggs on the pan, "Shit! Shit! Shit!" Eduardo yelled, freaking out. He swiftly grabbed onto he frying pan a placed it into the sink, turning on the water to cool it down. As he panicked, he forgot about the overheating stove, Eduardo couldn't think about anything else except Jon, his only thought was to bust down that door and save his sweet little bean boy from the dangers that must've happened since he heard the sound of breaking glass. "Cmon, Cmon!" His voice grew louder, Eduardo was on the verge of having a panic attack. He searched all around the damn kitchen. "Fuck it." Eduardo said, sternly. The tall male ran back towards the bathroom, slamming his body into the door, hoping that it would budge open wide or at least come somewhat loose, nothing happened. "JON! SAY SOMETHING!" Eduardo screamed out. There was nothing but silence. "COME ON!" Eduardo's frustration with this door grew stronger, he fully flung his whole body into the door, knocking it down. There he was, Jon. A pool of blood surrounded Jon's body. "Jon!" The dark haired male shouted a the half conscious boy. Eduardo grabbed the towel, covering up Jon. Eduardo slip his hands underneath his cold, bloody body, scooping him up from the puddle of blood and running into the living room. He placed the boy onto he couch, grabbing his phone and sitting next to him. Eduardo quickly called the emergency department, sending an ambulance this way. He stared at the boy, His heart began to pound. "J-Jon, Please...stay with me." Eduardo stuttered, his voice calm. He moved closer to the boy, holding his hand. "I love you...P-please, I can't lose you." His eyes began to fill with tears. A knock at the for would be heard, Eduardo quickly jumped up, running towards the door. He opened the door to see the ambulance and paramedics. "He's on the couch." Eduardo said, wiping his tears from his face, trying to hide his sad face. The medics went towards the living room, placing Jon onto the stretcher, wrapping his body with a blanket. They then walked outside with Jon and placed him into the back of the ambulance, They closed the doors and one of the medics walked up to Eduardo. "Sir, we have to take him to the E.R. right away. You can come visit. Goodbye Sir." The Man, hopped into the truck with the woman, and they drove off towards the hospital. "WAS THAT THE ICE CREAM TRUCK?!" Eduardo heard someone exclaim, he turned his head to see those three idiots outside, Matt, Tom and Edd. Eduardo sighed, deeply, annoyed by Matt's idiotic question. "It wasn't the ice cream truck, YOU IDIOTS!" Eduardo screamed at them, in anger. Eduardo's hand's formed into fists. "Eduardo." Edd said with the music playing in the background. "Now is not the time, Edd." Eduardo sighed once again. "Is someone Angry?" Tom chuckled. Eduardo ignored them, walking towards the hospital. All Eduardo thought of was Jon, Nothing but Jon  was on his mind, he jaywalked across the street without even realizing it. Jon was stuck in his worried mind, he was hoping that Jon was okay, He was sick to his stomach. "Jon, Jon, Jon.." Eduardo mumbled as he walked. With his racing thoughts through his mind, he realized something, the stove. He stoped, dead in his track as his eyes widened. "Shit." Eduardo muttered, he then began to run towards the hospital quickly. Sprinting, heathen look his phone out calling the emergency department again, begging and pleading for the fire department to get the house, They were on there way. Eduardo hung up and shoved his phone back into his pocket. As he was running, he looked in front of his spotting the hospital. His face lit up with glee, and hope. He wanted to see Jon. Once he walked into he hospital he asked for Jon at the front counter and ran towards one of the rooms. "Jon."Eduardo spoke, scanning the room for Jon.  There he was.

His eyes fluttered open as he saw Eduardo, standing there, looking like he had just ran a marathon. "E-Eduardo?" 

(BOOM! CLIFFHANGER! Lol, um anyways, uhh. It was been quite a while since I've posted something, Sorry I'm a big procrastinator. I finally got the motivation to start writing this again when I read someone else's story they made. Anyways thanks for waiting thing long guys, Have a great day/night. :D) 

(Also if you see any typos or error in grammar, please let me know, I wanna get better at this writing thing XD)

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