Part 3

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Eduardo and Jon both looked at the man confused. The red leader looked at the both of their faces. "YOU IDIOTS! THIS IS NOT EVEN TOM OR EDD! UGH SUCH DUMB ASSES !BAG EM UP AND TAKE EM BACK! BRING ME EDD AND TOM!" The red leader yelled towards the two other men that were beside the man. The red leader then walked outside of the room and left. The two men then knocked out Jon and Eduardo. Jon woke up on his bed. He looked out the window that was near his bed. The moon was shining bright outside and with a million stars. Jon smiled and felt better, Jon actually felt like he was worth something to the world. "Hey..Jon" Jon then heard Eduardo's voice. It was calm and quiet. Eduardo walked towards the innocent boy on his bed with a bowl of soup in his hand. Eduardo placed the bowl of soup on the night stand. Jon didn't know what to say. Normally Eduardo is being a prick by now. Eduardo sat on the edge of Jon's bed. Jon was confused on why Eduardo was all of a sudden being so nice to him. "Jon...I'm....Sorry." Eduardo said quietly. Jon was shocked. The meanest person ever was being nice. "F-For what.." Jon asked while he sat up . "For everything..I was so mean to you.."Eduardo said admitting his wrong actions. "But y-your right I..I am worthless." Jon said. Eduardo's head was bowed down in shame. "No your not...your nice..funny..your always happy its cute...your worth everything to me." Eduardo said while staring at the ground. "C-cute?"Jon questioned the Dark haired man. Eduardo faced Jon and pressed his lips against Jon's. Jon's face lit up with the colour of red. Jon was shocked. Eduardo pulled back and walked out of the room. Jon was left in his room flustered and shocked at what had just happen. Jon picked up the bowl of soup and had started to eat. He was still thinking about what just happened. Jon had finished the bowl. He got laid back down in his bed. He soon drifted off into sleep. (The next day)

Jon woke up to the bright sun shining through his window. Jon moved his leg, it was still in some pain. He sat up and looked at his leg. It had been wrapped in bandages. Jon looked around his room and then saw crutches beside his night stand. Jon then took the crutches and got up on his foot with the crutches supporting his foot. Jon made his way into the kitchen. Jon had saw a fresh made breakfast on the table with a note beside it. " Went to get something. Will be back soon." Jon read out the note. Jon looked at the blueberry pancakes on the plate. Jon smiled and felt happy. Jon grabbed the syrup from inside of the fridge. Jon sat down, he poured some of the syrup on his nice blueberry pancakes. Jon took his fork and got a piece of the blueberry pancakes. Jon put the piece of food into his mouth. Jon's face lit up as he chewed the yummy food. "Mmm! These are delicious!" Jon said enjoying the tasty pancake. Jon quickly ate the rest of it enjoying every single tasteful bite. Jon got up and made it back towards his bed room and sat on his bed, while setting the crutches aside. Jon then laid down, he slowly closed his eyes and slowly falling back asleep. "Hey Jon~" Jon heard Eduardo's lustful voice. Jon opened his eyes and saw a shirtless Eduardo. Jon's face was bright red, his eyes were wide staring at Eduardo's chest. "U-um..E-eduardo..." Jon said while blushing. "Shhh...Let's have some fun Jon.." Eduardo said in a lustful tone. Eduardo moved closer towards Jon's face. Jon slowly moved closer to Eduardo's face. Their lips only a few centimetres apart. So close to touching. "Ahhhh!" Jon quickly sat up from his bed. Screaming fro the dream he had just encountered. Jon was confused on if that was a dream or if it had happened. Sure they kissed the other night but nothing else happened. Jon felt relief that it had just been a dream. Jon fell back don on his bed. As he laid their thinking about the dream and the kiss from last night, he realized his member was hard. "Oh shoot." Jon said with sitting back up on his bed. Jon grabbed his member through his underwear and started to rub his member. Jon still couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. Jon then rubbed his member harder and faster. He then couldn't get Eduardo and the kiss out of his head. "E-Eduardo..." Jon moaned out while rubbing his member at a fast pace. Jon's moans echoed around the room as he thought about Eduardo. "Eduardo..." Jon said while rubbing himself faster. Jon felt himself close.

"Jon! I'm home!" Eduardo had said while entering the house. Eduardo had shut the door, he put the groceries onto the table. "Jon?" Eduardo yelled in the kitchen loud enough for Jon to hear his voice. "Oh crud.." Jon had stop rubbing himself,he grabbed an extra pillow and placed it on his member to hide his crotch area. Jon's member wanted to cum so badly, he was so close. Suddenly Jon had heard a knock on his door. "Jon?" Eduardo said. Jon didn't reply,he just laid back down in his bed and hoped Eduardo would think he was asleep. Eduardo had slowly opened Jon's door trying to to make any sounds, Eduardo looked around the dark room,the light from outside had been blocked from the dark curtains. Eduardo had looked at the small boys bed to see him sleeping. Eduardo looked at the cute and innocent boy resting in his bed. Eduardo climbed into Jon's bed and cuddled with the little innocent boy.

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