The Guy at the Corner Street

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A/N: I honestly have no idea where I got this story from. I mean, I was just staring on my laptop screen when I suddenly thought of this random guy who'd I always see in school and in my neighborhood. I don't know him really. Then my mind said: "Viola! Right this down, bitch!" Okay, my mind certainly did not talk to me that way, but who cares? Haha. Reads, votes and comments will be very much appreciated. :))


The Guy at the Corner Street

"In fact, he never moved. He was just...there."


He was always there. Whenever I'd walk my way to school and pass by that corner, he's there. Whenever I'd go to the mall and pass by that corner, he's there. Whenever I'd go home and pass by that corner, he's there. He was always standing there. At that corner. In fact, he never moved. He was just...there.

It all started when my parents decided to go on their separate ways. They divorced. They could no longer stand each other's presence. Mom took me in with her, and dad brought Cole, my little brother, with him. I was mad. How could they do this to us? But I didn't have a choice and I went with my mom. We moved to Seattle and started living a new life. Till I noticed him, the guy at the corner street. He was leaning on the post a few blocks away from our house. I ignored him, thinking that he was just passing time and will leave eventually. But he didn't. Instead, he stayed.

The next day, I decided to walk my way to my new school. I wanted to familiarize myself with my new neighborhood. But I noticed him again, the guy at the corner street, leaning on the post. Ignoring him again, I walked past him. But when I looked back, the guy was still there.

When school was over, I decided to walk again. If truth be told, I was curious about the guy on the corner street. I wanted to check if he had already walked away or if he was still there. I was actually wondering, what was it with him and he likes staying there? When I turned on the corner, I wasn't surprised to find him there. Again. This time though, I caught his attention. And when he looked at me, I couldn't deny the sadness in his electric blue eyes. He looked away and stared into space, probably at the huge house just across the street. Ignoring him again, I walked past him. When I reached the house, I practically ran upstairs and pushed away the curtains of my bedroom window. He was still there. At that infamous corner street.

Weeks had passed by like a blur. I gained new friends, I've memorized every nook and cranny of the village mom and I were in. I still couldn't say that I'm having fun though. I miss Dad and Cole. I wonder how they're doing? I sighed and shook the thought of Dad and Cole aside. I took a pair of pants and a tank top and wore them. Ashley, my new friend, called earlier. She said the gang will have a party tonight and that I couldn't afford to miss it. I walked out of the house when I was done preparing. Walking down the lighted street should have been a normal thing. But it wasn't. Because he was still there. The guy at the corner street.

Troy's party was awesome. I never thought I would have fun. In my old school, I was rarely invited to such occasions. Maybe because the circle of friends I had didn't stand out much. We were always on the sidelines, at the backstage. And now, I was on the stage, and it was exciting. I was on my way home when I remembered him. Was he still there? All of a sudden, my feet started dragging me to that corner street. And my assumption was right. He was still there. I wanted to talk to him, to ask him why wasn't he moving, or did he even move at all. But I didn't have the guts to do so. And just like that, I left him there. I left him at the corner street he loved most.

Ashley and Via walked with me the following day. We have a group project due next week and we all decided to do it at my house. I also happened to tell them about the guy on the corner street and because they were so curious about him, they decided to walk, even if they both have their own cars.

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