I Seek No Attention, Just A Fight

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   “Let's go see my favorite play,” he insisted. I cross my arms, my eyes still glued to the statue, “let me guess, the plays about you.” Loki turns to me with a big smile, creepy… “Yes, how did you know?” I scoff at him, “um, I don't know, the statue kinda gave it away that you're full of yourself. I pity these people.”

 “Oh, wonderful All-father…”

 I gagged, turning around to see a tall woman, geez, everyone was towering over me. The woman wore a white dress, her hair put in glorious braids. “Who is this lovely woman?” She asked, I wanted to rip my ears off.

Her voice was so high-pitched it could break glass, my ears were ringing, oh my gosh, she was annoying. “I'm- ” “this is Nebula, my dear. Nebula is one of my personal ‘servants,’ isn't that right, Nebula?”

I discreetly scowl at the man before sending a sweet smirk towards the girl, “w- why, yes All-father. It's a g- g- great pleasure to sssssss-” a felt the growl from my stomach as it swerved and punched, “s- serve our great, a- a- and wonderful father.” I'm pretty sure apart of me just died, the woman lets out a Blanche-like laugh. My brain wept, and my ears begged for mercy. It would be swift… I thought, reaching for my blade. Loki grabbed my arm firmly, leaning towards me “just smile, she'll go away” “I'd rather end this” I muttered.

The woman lets out a relaxed sigh, but it sounded more like a whistle. Kill Me… “well, I'll see you later All-father, Jezabel” the woman whispered when she walked away and past me. I was caught off guard, that did not stop me from going to grab my blade, unfortunately, Loki still had his hand on my arm, his grip becoming tighter. “I'm gonna chop her head off,” I say struggling against his grip. “Stop it,” he barked, “kiss my ass” I snarled. “You don't have one, but keep dreaming” he says, I brought my foot up from behind and kick Loki's butt nudging him ahead.

Loki groans, rubbing his backside, I made a pouty face “awe, did I hurt the puny God.” Loki turns to her, “I'd fight you if you weren't a girl” he spat, “make the illusion a man then, I'll beat an old man.” I spoke truthfully.

“you'd beat the ruler in front of his people?”

“Never stopped me before.”

“You're incompetent of strategy, no wonder Thanos wants you dead.”

“Never said he wanted me dead, he just wouldn't mind if I did die.”

 We both noticed our surroundings, we were causing a semi-scene. Loki offers his arm, which in this case I had no choice but to take his grimy arm, we walked away in peaceful like stance, I noticed stares. Multiple ones from men, whispers, I leaned over to Loki “do you think any of these people suspect who you truly are?” I ask, he glances at me, checking the area, “why, my dear-” “not your dear, old man” I state. “They're looking at you, idiot” he informed short-termed, I inwardly scoff at his statement, but as I looked around again, I looked with the intent to be curious.

Yes, they were staring at me, they were attracted, interested… in me?

  “Shut up” I spat at Loki, the guy chuckles at me, “you've never been looked at that way?” I glare at him “are you trying to be funny?” I scowl.

Loki was once again, annoyed by me, as it was shown by his eye roll, he has no right to be annoyed with me, I should be annoyed, actually, I am annoyed. “Lets not forget, I was part mechanical just a minute ago, I'm not exactly dating material, people don't like to be intimate with a thing,” I explain.

“You're not a thing though…” he says, his tone surprised me as it was not spiteful but careful, and considerate, his voice smooth. I focus my eyes forward, but to also listen, I waited for an insult, which never came. “You're a life form, and every life form has a soul- ” I shake my head, “well this soul is dark, filled with a vengeance that deserves fulfilment.” “Let me finish, Nebula. I'm saying if you were a thing, you would simply be scraps metal at this point used for weapons-” I unlooped my arm from him, “excuse you?!”

 “Will you listen-” “You know what, fight me. Fight me you little greasy weasel!”

 “Okay, you know what. Let's settle this, in the palace.” Loki grumbles, “gladly,” I tell him.


“Ow, son of- !” I elbowed the back of his head with a bang as the prince fell near the floor, but caught himself before his face could hit the ground. Pushing himself up, and he brought himself to catch my fist. I almost forgot, he's of Jotunheim but Asgardian strength, the mischievous god smirks as I struggled with him.

I returned the smirk, “did you forget I'm part mechanical?” Loki rose a brow, I swung my head back and brought fast forward, colliding with his head. Loki losing his grip as I can assume he was a little dizzy. I ripped my fist away from him and delivered an uppercut to his chin, sending the God to have whiplash, he didn't seem to understand what happened ‘til my second punch sent his head left. That brought him back, when he took my arm and twisted it and kicked my knee, it broke in.

This, Loki heard, he looked concerned “did I just- ?” I maneuvered my arm, breaking it, but it'll fix itself. Loki made a disgusted face, “are your bones breaking?”

I came face to face with him, “yes.”

Loki still held a disgusted face, I stepped on his foot, “AH!!”

I duck under his arm, and kick the inside of his knee, bringing him one down, and put his arm close to dislocation, Loki groaning as I smiled sadistically at his pain. Loki flipped forward, flipping on top of me, his weight was light but still excruciatingly heavy. “Ha!” He mocked in my face, my stupid orange hair all in my face. “You're lucky I'm not wearing those golden heels,” I was able to swing a leg around and kick him in the gut. “Surrender!” I demand, “never” he sneered. I narrow my eyes at him, “I see.”

(Loki X Nebula)                                    We Love Hating Each OtherWhere stories live. Discover now